Went to get my hair cut yesterday afternoon at Summit USJ.I dunno why many people wanna get their hair cut yesterday...
penuh gler...Tertiba plak...So i went to the other saloon which i used to love and always go to before they had increased their price...Haha..But i was out of options...So i just went to that saloon.I was really satisfied.....hurm

Uglieeee....The big NO-NO hairstyle

The not so big anymore hairstyle...better i hope...What do u think?
Haha.Looks as if like a transformation from wearing specs with big ugly hair to without spectacles and not so big hair....yes...UGLY BILLY to not so UGLY BILLY...
i see no diff....
SO adventurous....
weee.. okey lorhh.. huhu
Yah....anak ku...i can see the difference...before haircut "with glasses on" & after haircut "without glasses on"....hehehe!
Anyway you look handsome with or without haircut...
bestnyer KDU
KBU lar...haha...xper byk org mistaken for kdu..hurm
aku rase sama je. pakai lah tudung baru lain sket. haha
nampak cengkung sket....makan lebih sket kat sana k..hehe
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