Nie sebab ingat nak jumpa budak2 german bounded yg lain..
bukan gedik ye..harap maklum..
Collect original SPM certificate from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Seafield(Bangga skit nama sekolah harapan selangor/negara).Unfortunately, we(Tyn,Aida and I) couldn't take our certs yet cuz the main office was closed..the whole school was closed actually...
Co-curriculum was canceled...except for Taekwondo,Ninjitsu,Cheerleading..bla bla bla.Geram kot penat2 dtg skolah x dpt ambik cert..Now i have to wait another week...sigh..
Breakfast at Geylang Kopitiam....Memang gerek...First time eating our breakfast at this cafe..actually Tyn and I wanted to have our breakfast at Ubi Kayu..but Aida said NO WAY!!cuz her parents were there...adoi...baru terpikir nanti bapak aida mesti belanja...haha..I had nasi lemak with daging dinding,tyn and aida took nasi lemak with sotong...owh not forgetting,i tried Gula Melaka ice drink.At first,it tasted like a normal tea with milk ...but after a while u'll get the taste of gula melaka...yummy kot..
Geylang si paku geylang...Geylang si rama-rama...
Gambar pura-pura baca menu mmg popular
Nie lagi sorunk pura2 baca menu
Nie pura-pura makan plak...haha..
Maaf aida...Nie balasan xnak makan kat ubi kayu...
Surf the net while i still have time before the next activity at 12.30.The next thing on the list was German movie screening.I even printed the map to Help University incase we got lost....haha..nabeyl mmg kalau bawak keta sentiasa better i sediakan payung sebelum hujan kan...
Went to Centrepoint Bandar Utama to pick up my friends...Waited for Shun Ling as she was on the way back from going out with Edwin and Chang win..When I was about to get out of the parking place..the road suddenly got jam-packed...omg...seriously i was like so freaking pissed off with this one driver...she knew she couldnt get through..gedik nak jalan jugak kan...because of her..we couldnt move out..sngt seyal.Arschloch...and it was already 1.30pm.Seufzen..
Woh..first time smpi Help University...jakun kejup..pastu x dah sebab biasa je tempat ni...
Made our way to Help University...yes..bangga we didn't get lost..haha..Big Thanks to the printed map and the google maps service on my phone..yay..Arrived there just right on time..about 10 mins before the show started...However i was kinda dissapointed...I thought the place would be crowded and all german bounded students from INTEC,UPM, and GMI would be there.That's why i dressed up a bit...Not only that few people came..the worst part is that the theater room was like so damn small and uncomfortable...But wut do u expect nabeyl...It's free..i mean for student who's taking german course..yer..
The movie shown titled Love in Thoughts (Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken).It's a really good film i must say...The story line is interesting.Enjoyed it alot...What was also eye-catching would be the uncensored scenes...haha...interesting...
Maaf gambar blur...Nie jer gambar semua skali..
Miss Ling Ling and me

Shikin und ich

Rumitha und ich
Let's take a peek at the short synopsis of this movie(Edited version from IMDb)
Günther and Paul want to live in full courses and without compromises - and they require same of the love. They are both a kind of school boys and best friends in 1927 Weimar Germany. Together with Günther's sister Hilde they spend the weekend in a summer house on the country, outside Berlin. Paul is fascinated by the girl and falls in love with her. And first it looks in such a way, that Pauls feelings are finally answered. But Hilde loves another guy. Secretly she meets with a young good-looking(nie tipoe-hans sngt burok) boy named Hans - Günther's former lover. Hans is a boy from a much lower class who works in the kitchen of a restaurant/dance club. In the garden of the house they celebrate a rushing celebration. When Hans pushes surprisingly to them, it sets a roller coaster travel of the feelings into course, which gets very soon out of control.Imagine this:Paul loves Hilde.Hilde loves Hans.Günther is Hilde's brother.He is still in love with Hans.Hans is bisexual btw.Hans loves both Günther and Hilde..but he is more towards Hilde..Elli loves Paul.Paul and Elli had sex but Paul is still in love with Hilde.Hans made out with Günther and Hilde at the same time.Nie menggelikan skit...Günther got jealous as Hans got carried away with Hilde.Earlier Paul and Günther had planned to commit suicide if they don't get the love they mean to deserve.They stand by the idea: If we are not loved, we take the ones we love with us...tu la citernyer...sedey gak...
Got back to Centrepoint Bandar Utama.Planned with the others to have our late lunch at Uptown Damansara..Sad to say, most of the hawker stalls were closed.So we made our way to Tesco Damansara...We had KFC....yes mengemoekan..tahu sngt..The girls went to buy something in Tesco.On the other hand,Darwin and I went to The Curve as Darwin wanted to buy earphone for his sony walkman..Darwin kaya ye...jealous..Nabeyl dah miskin...tsk2..

Darwin kalau makan mmg woh...

Nabeyl kalau mkn memang woh...
7.Went back to Subang Jaya,home sweet home.My dad told me that my relatives from Kedah came by...So we went out for dinner at Anjung Merah.Owh serious penat.Exhausted.Sehr Muede.I didn't get enuff sleep the day before...sigh..Mata Panda menjelma...
8. Went online once again...before dozing off...
Teruja sngt..sekian terima kasih...
wah gigih you berjalan satu hari.
satu hari yang panjang..
take rest la
to mel:
Gigih itu penting...tangga kejayaan..
to abir:
Haha..perlu sngt kot..serious mata panda tu cerita sebenar..
mkn sowang..
nak cket..
hahaha. gambar makan and pura2 baca menu memang lawak. korang paling tipu baca menu tapi mata tengok camera at least aku makan tengok makanan tu haha.
adoi memang penat takkan every week nak pergi sekolah kan. kerajaan ni pemalas apa sabtu pun cuti.
p/s : kau pun makan kat anjung merah usj 3 tu ?? bagus nanti kita breakfast kat sana. =D
blah lah kau, aku kat sini kot.
to tyn:
Haha..kan..konon sngt..owh skolah mmg annoying..aku xtaw nak gi ambik bler..haih..ic lagi x sempat ambik...
anjung merah tu bapak kenalkan..first time kot...
to hanis:
Maaf..anda memang di situ
omg hanis kau di sini ? jomm keluarrr.
nabil, apa-apa pun bila kau nak ambil cert tu bagitahu aku.
aihedyu nabil.
"..My dad told me that my relatives from Kedah came by.." hahahahh.. cam kenal jer geng2 yg p tu.. :p
To Hanis:
Why me...sedey...haha..
To Minicooper:
haha..ikut baca nabil nyer blog dah.awat x mai skali..
hahahahahaha comel kau speaking kedah. ceh speaking kedah wuwuwu.
to Hanis:
Haha...konon je kan..baru cakap skit.dah chomeyl.tunggu2..aku ckp english..campur malay..campur german ngan accent kedah...
akak keja so takleh la follow depa tu, tapi tak per antaQ wakil kan Rizqeen ada pegi sama ari tu... skrang ni ktorg kat umah cucik, hehehehe pinjam pc kat umah cucik nih! anas anak cucik patah tgn, so kitaorg ziarah jap. :p
to Minicooper:
Tu la pasai..dengaq daripada ayah...kesian kat anas...haih..
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