What is the title all about,you might ask?
The most anticipated event of the semester break has finally came into reality...The trip to Melaka with my two Besties was planned like two weeks ago before i even had my mid term exam..I was thinking on what should I do during my semester break which is like so freaking "long"...one week..i repeat just one week..sigh..Izzah came up with the idea to go on a trip.Both of us agreed on going to Melaka. Zharin voted yes..hehe..so that's it...the starting of this great excursion to Melaka..It was a one-day trip from 9.40 am Saturday morning till 3.am the next day...huhu..
I planned to fetch Izzah first,then Zharin.Rumah izzah lagi dekat lor.Next, the three of us went for our breakfast at KFC on the way to the plus highway..sedap2...x sangka breakfast in kfc is really finger licking good..okie enuff on promoting kfc.
Ni lar muka sorunk2 teruja nak gi melaka...spt biasa x dirancang tp tetap sama kaler baju..baekla
Gambar nie menunjukkan keta ini wangi ada air freshener,maju ada GPS,dan tiga orang sedang happy bergambar.
I drove the entire time to melaka,to and fro...hebat kan..competent driver kena hebat skit arh..haha..dah over.From subang to melaka,supposedly the trip will only take us about 2 hours maximum...but that day...it took us more than 3 hours to arrive in Melaka...sangat la jsjbaxjh..We were stucked in jam for hours...hari yg sngt sesuai kan untuk gi melaka...sigh...kereta auto sngt diimpikan time tu.....haha..manual terseksa plak..
Apabila sedang gigih meredah onak duri di jalanan...mereka tido tanpa silu dan segan
Harapkan pagar,pagar makan padi..harapkan besties,dorunk makan kfc.haha
Exit ke Ayer Keroh...nak gi pantai klebang kan...
We arrived at the wedding of my friend's sister at around 3.20pm..sangat "awal" kan..haha..buat vip entrance skit ar..semua org tengok..maloe jer..Wuteva it is...We Made It with the help of the GPS i took from my dad's car..hehe..Bangga skit arh..Venue: Klebang Besar...penat mencari..woh2..tukar baju jap..bagi sesuai skit..okay..
Sebelum menjejakkan kaki ke khemah kenduri kawen
From Left: Azizi,Nabeyl, Ijah, Zharin
Selepas menjejakkan kaki ke khemah kenduri kawen
Camwhoring moments...
Muka ketat sebab penat jam..hehe...Izzah kaw tido je keja sibuk nak jadi arnab skang.hehe
Woh2...keta aperkah ini...pimp my ride edisi Malaysia
After the wedding,we went to Dataran Pahlawan which is located next to Mahkota Parade.We had to look for parking, going round and round, and hardly any parking spot was to be found.We passed by this parking lot...but it was a bit far from dataran pahlawan mall..I asked them whether they were willing to walk..Enthusiastically,they said Yes.Haha..Semangat nak shopping,jalan seribu batu pown bleh kan...entrance rm 2..every subsequent hour,60 sen..okie la kan
Favourite pic...rainbow tu penting...
Salah satu gambar yg berekspresi berbeza gitoe..
Izzah kaki xnak patah lagi ke haper kan.
We had to walk through the Bandar Hilir Melaka before reaching Dataran Pahlawan.So first we went to the Stadhuys Building and Kota A Famosa..had fun taking pictures there...buat photoshoot skit arh..teruja geela.
Payung paling stand out
Expresi berbeza menjadi pernantian mereka.
Kaki patah melampau...zasss...
Cute la tu...
Woh2...takut camera man...
Photoshoot Sessions
Wishing well...
Zharin kuang ajaq no...
Meredah lautan api untuk ke Kota A Famosa..gigih
Aper cucuk2 izzah...gatal mung nih
Smart ar plap angle nie...
Then we made our way to the Dataran Pahlawan...Shopping sakan kot...Padini concept store had a crazy sale up to 70%...I bought 2 shirts,zharin bought a pair of short pants,and izzah got herself a new belt and a pair of shoes...semua happy.After that,we went to change our clothes before heading to Jonker Walk.ye ar kan..panas kot petang tu...malam kena tukar baju..hehe
Omg..Jonker Walk xyah cakap la kan...chock a block of people...serious nak gerak pown cam slow..sigh...we wanted to have our dinner there..but unfortunately the cafe was closed...for wut reason,keine Ahnung!Nak makan cendol plak...kena beratur berjam2...okie..terpaksa lepaskan ke-kempunan-an diri...x dapat la nak makan cendol..huhu..
Muka kewl ke semua nie,..ahaks..
All our suffers came to an end once we got into the Jonker Street shop...hehe..nie kedai kegemaran kot.Semua baju design sngtla lawa dan chomeyl.So i bought 3 t-shirts,one for my sis and 2 for myself.Zharin got himself 2 t-shirts too and one for his friend.Howoe...Happy2!!
See the number of shopping bags i was carrying
Jonker Walk...
Izzah mcm lawa dlm nie...
It was nearly 11pm...Izzah asked me whether i can send her to her grandmother's house in Senawang..I said if it's on the way,then why not...so before heading back to Subang...we went to the drive thru Mcd near mahkota parade...What is Melaka without traffic congestion...so yeah...we were caught in jam again....Izzah arrived at her grandmother's hse at around 1.00am.After saying goodbye,we went cak straight to shah alam to send Zharin.Reached his house at around 2 sumtink.I wanted to see his new beautifully self-painted room but it was getting late.He insisted and said it's ok.just for a while.so i went in...seriously gempak kot bilik dier..the walls are painted blue with design on it..more like an art piece...geram..org artistic suka melampau..click here to see his newly painted room.Zharin, u'll have to paint the walls in my house once i got one..haha..bler tahun la kan..I reached home at about 2.45am.Exhausted,worn out and extremely tired....zzzzzzzz..
Im glad that at the end of the day,everyone was happy..everyone got what they wanted..and the outing was a blast.Next trip...johor plak..haha..penang pown okie gak...hurm..
great travel log...
sgt cemerlang gemilang terbilang...
hoho takutt.perkara yang dinantikan telah tiba. agz marahh.hahahah
blog yang full of story n pictures!
suke membaca nye!
jonker street..hmm~
cm besh je.
nak g las nx month :D
byknye gambar..
tak larat nak scroll down da...
to azfar:
Alhamdullillah..syukur atas comment itu..semoga allah membalas budi baek kamoe..
to zuhaimi:
to izzah:
Haha..tahu xper..omg..naper nak marah..cam bleh bwak whole group je kan..unless ada yg sudi nak drive...
to ryz4l:
hehe..thanx..u noe me..i love to put pictures on my blog..the more the merrier..
to syafie:
Haha..kan semangat letak banyak gambar..
Owh fine..eleh kaw..macam bleh je nak ajak semua kan..unless ada org sudi nak convoy skali...nanti kita plan betl2..baru okey..jgn x puas hati ye..
muhd azfar bagi terbaik nye komen
kereta manual bergps
sangat berlagak eh ko
*Soklan* adakah itu rav4 atau suzuki vitara?
jonker mlm sgt pack jadi sila jgn pakai sweater
to muhammad azfar:
Haha..xde la..sikit je.actually im trying my best now to reduce the blemishes on my face..but oh well..there are various factors that can cause this problem:
age factor and hormones,the food i take,gene,stress of studying,not enough sleep...the list goes on..so yeah...terima jerla..
to reez:
manade belagak..tu menunjukkan im bad with directions...like seriously..i can go to my aunt's hse like so many times but still get lost...howoe..
kereta itu..haha..kancil yg termodified terlebey kot..agak la..tapi pakai sweater sebab baju itu agak besar..gitoe lor.haha
marah? mana ada marah? takpe, kalau kau yang organize takpe. haha.
Anak Ku..
Fuyooohhh...best nyer gi Melaka!
Tentu sedap nasi kenduri..
Amboi posing macam model professional betulll!!
Anyway, I really your creative pics and blogs...keep it up!!
- Ayah
your dad's so cool...
its already passed two weeks and i havent created my post on this...
ive been so lazzzy....
suka-suka, smua suka...malacca my second home, best gilerrrr.
u look too skinny.
1. too many pixs - good
2. ur skinny - not so good
3. shoppin too much - BAD!
kah kah kah.
yang kurus2 rambut pendek tu kene gemuk lagi.
penang tempat wajib. u should visit d most. nnt tak cukup syarat lawat satu mesia.
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