Tsk2...I have to stop blogging...as the saying goes..
"All good things must come to an end"
Yeah but no worries...It'll just be for a period of about 2 weeks.My final exam is coming around the corner in less than 10 days,starting from 3rd of Nov till 11 of Nov.After that I'm a free man...like the birds flying in the sky...flapping their wings and flocking without boundaries...exploring and experiencing new things..yeah..that's what I'll do once I've finished my finals.
I don't think i have the time to update my blog like usual...cuz u know updating a blog will take time for idea to pour out,article to be typed out and pictures to be uploaded..yeah...
If i want to make the dream of furthering my studies in Germany becoming a reality,then i should be concentrating on my studies now..I'm doing AUSMAT(Australian Matriculation) and German language.Yeah2...I know..Why on earth am I doing Australian Matriculation when the destination of my tertiary education is in Germany...Well..Let me explain briefly.This is actually the shortest path for a Malaysian student to continue his or her studies in Germany.Instead of the normal 13 years of schooling according to Malaysian Education system,we save one year from taking up form 6 by doing AUSMAT as our preparation course.Got the idea?The benefit of it...we get to spend more time in Germany compared to the Intec students.Their course lasts for 2 and half years..ours,only one and half years..the downside of it, the study condition is extremely intensive...huhu..
Now back to the nostalgic SPM period of time where studying last minute does have it advantages.However i must say that the College life is totally different.Studying last minute is killing me..Dulu kala,kalau burn the midnite oil mmg berbaloi ar.Skang hampeh je..huhu..
Gigih sebelum Spm....
Gigih sebelum Ausmat finals....

So jadila mata panda,muka selebet bajet chomeyl...
Owh kegigihan menghafal juga penting..
I miss the SPM moments where i would go with my circle of friends to do our study group at various places...Examples are like Baskin Robbins,A&W,Mcd,rumah sape2 yg free & tempat parking keta kat taipan yg kalau buat photoshoot sngt lawa dan terus gigih nak blaja dgn tekun.Yeah...rindu banget.
.gudluck nabeyl! (:
Good Luck! =)Belajarlah ke tahap gaban!
cool man...
gud luck n do ur best...wowo german..
love it...
to cik Intan:
Thanx. :D
to Kay:
Haha..akan sangat..
to syaf:
Haha..wowo terus..thanx.
gudluck nabeyl~ neway gmbr masa u muda sket 2 *harus kot* comeyl lalalala
nah u look even better now.. xde jerawat x macho maa
Bittaufiq wannajah nabeyl..;)
Semoga dipermudahkan dan dilancarkan amin..
to matt:
Thanx2..haha..macho la sngt kan ada jerawat..
to syukrina:
ok nabil!
sumpah cool post kau yb ni..
melonjak kegembiraan sbb nmpak muka nabil time sekola!
nerd sgt
dapat berapa A waktu SPM ???
gd luck incik nabeyl !!!!!
Aza2 fighting!!!
posing panjat tangge pon setil ensem..haha..ensem ke???
kiut mayb???
to abir abhar:
Haha..kewl ke..yeah..gwe mmg nerd di skolah...nerd yang hawt sebab dikelilingi 6 gadis2 hawt..bleh plak kan.yang penting..ramai lelaki jealous kat aku dulu..muahaha..
to anonymous:
Perlu bagitau ke..huhu..keputusan alhamdullillah....EST je slack A2.
ah.. meroyan tension di tangga..
we all been at that point at some time..
u budak ausmet ke?
gudluck yo!
hauhauhaua..pic last sgt mengancam!!
to budlee:
Haha..meroyan ke..agak ar..tu braper hari before spm..
to Miluvia:
Owh thanx..huhu
to Aizul:
Haha...yelar tu...sngt mengancam..terancam pown ada
salam perkenalan.
ssup with the oxygen mask?
to shandye:
tu lakonan semata2 kot..time gi melawat my kazen yg sakit.
u make sure u do ur best ok.
may the for b with u.
goodluck nabeyl!!!
jangan ter'over' hyper-tension' lak...
good luck nabil..eh nabeyl..hehe.
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