The next day i planned with my bestie to wear baju melayu to our friend's open house in Ampang.Zharin was coming back from UiTM Perak and we were discussing on how to wear baju melayu to the open hse...Either he wears it straight from Perak or bring it in a bag and iron it here...Yet another problem will rise...Where can we get iron?Huhu...I was like so enthusiastic that I brought Samping for him to wear so that i won't look awkward wearing it alone...but owh well...
So i went to fetch Zharin at Semua House at about 2.30pm before heading to Hisham's crib.Thanx to my dad's GPS...we didn't get lost...yeay!!!Kejap je yeay...lepas ni hampeh..
Muka teruja sebentar...tunggu nak mamam
About 3.15 pm,we arrived at Hisham's house..Zharin refused to wear his wrinkly Baju he simply went to the open hse dressed up in modern clothes.Sigh...konon je kan...baekla..We went inside...we went outside...we went to get the food...we sat outside...we change our place..we sat inside...The group "So called wanna come at 2.30" came late....we sat together outside..we ate for the second round...huhu..gemoe dah..
Hisham and I
Wawa,Zuhry and Riz
Kaw pown ada muka stereotype Riz..howoe
Riz and Zharin
Riz and I
Dr.Zuhry and I
Wawa and I
Woh...time nie hebat...Suddenly Zharin whispered to my ear..."......."....Woh2..Rozita Che Wan skit ar....huhu."Sila bangun buat muka maloe2 kucing ambik gambar" whispered a small voice in my head...Howoe...It didn't happen...Nabil was being nabil...maloe dapat gak muka dia dalam 2 pics..hehe..okay la kan..
Gambar Keluarga...biru thema majority...
p/s- Enlargekan gambar untuk lehat pompuan berbaju biru di belakang.
Kelehatan lawak cara Riz ambik gambar terparkinson tertibe...mungkinkah kerana pompuan berbaju biru?
After we had our photo shoot moments, it was time for us to say goodbye...huhu..Sedey skit ar..
Next,we headed to Klang,to another open house...Zharin's friend's...We got for an hour.."THANX" GPS....sooo helpful...The problem was that the GPS didn't manage to find the exact address..So kitorunk tawaf Klang for about one hour...SIGH...
Finally,we reached Nina's house with the help of her brother n his friends...Thanx u guys....Maloe geela kot..When we called to ask for directions,Nina kept on passing the phone to her family members...It was like the whole family knew bout the "Never-ending getting lost-duo"...
We had Soto with sup tulang....Nikmat terasa okeyh...Not forgetting ABC..yeah
Family photo lagi...From Left: Hajar, Hanna, Yani,Nina,Zharin and Nabil
Next thing on the list...Midnite movie at Sunway Pyramid...We had planned earlier...Zharin and I for a midnite movie...We invited Nina and her friends to come along...Hisham would tag along...Riz,Zuhry and Wawa went there earlier to buy the tickets...Total of 10 movie tickets for the movie Sorority Row were purchased...Gempak kot cita tu...Sick geela...Before going for the movie...we made a promise with the girls to wear Baju Melayu to the Cinema since the girls were too lazy to change.Gigih x...I took Zharin to my house..we got ourselves freshened up and we wore Baju Melayu...howoe...seriously a night to remember...
Yeah babeyh...
Tanpa flash kelehatan agak lawa...
Terang geela kan...cahaya keimanan skit arh..
Korunk sngt gigih datang from klang..Salute2...
Nabil,Riz,Zuhry,Wawa,Hisham and Zharin...
After the movie, we went back to our respective places...Bukit Jelutong,Ampang,Shah Alam,Klang and last but no least...Bandar Utama..
I had tremendous fun...wish that the day would never ended..I gained new friends and the best part is we kinda clique with each yeah...
Raya this year is definitely the most memorable one...Thanx....
encik nabil!
u noe what..
encik hisham tu adalah my ex senior primary skool..
rumah dia dekat je ngan my rumah..
keciknya dunia
how u noe him?
aku kurang gemor pic last skali tu
we had fun rite?
lelaki melayu terakhir yek... teruja dengan pompuan baju biru itu..
TO abir abhar:
Owh really..such a small world indeed..I kenal dia thru my yeah..
to tulis:
Hehe...Sabor jerla..We had tremendous fun..yee..
to zul:
haha..tu la..saya juga teruja...
wah..handsome2 sume kalian ye.
to faramin:
Hehe..thanx...*blushing tertibe*
dat girl in blue is sooooooo i want to be with... (motif komen camneh???)
waduh..berbaju melayu nonton wayang..susah nak cari neh..ailaikkk
that zharin is a young designer right. i knew him kot... lol
oh ya. btw i aint know that sorority row wud screen in Malaysia cos there was no ad at all. i downloaded it on torrent
n when i read ur blog
damn! i shouldnt waste my time waiting for the download since i just have to purchase it. aiyoh...
to Naim:
haha..tu ar tertibe sangat.
to d_La:
Penting la angan2 nak jadi lelaki melayu terakhir..huhu
to aliph:
Alolo..u should have watched it on cinema screen kot..lagi thrill...Uh uh.Zharin is a fashion designer..
bestnye dapat g jalan2.hehe.siap pakai baju melayu lagi..itu yg xtahan.nasib bek xpakai sampin ke.huhu..memng lelaki melayu terakhir..
...dan saya pula macam kenal Riz. sudah habis belajar di uitm kah dia itu? sampaikan hai dari saya untuk dia ya nabil.
ok dah.
nape pose riz same jek in every pix??haha
to fideila:
Pakai kot sampin sbnarnyer..tapi smpi kul 4.30 je..huhu...x larat kepanasan..
to andy:
Rasanya dia dah habis blaja..insyaallah akan kim salam kalau jumpa nanti..
to nora:
Haha..kan..ingatkan i sorunk je yg perasan..
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