Best sangat boleh datang Genting Highlands
It is so wonderful to come to Genting Highlands
Es ist wunderschoen, ins Genting Highland zu gehen
Nyamai mat ulih ngagai Genting Highlands
After finishing my finals, it's finally the time to enjoy my life to the fullest..So i decided to go to Genting Highlands together with my college mates on last Friday.How did we get to Genting?By the Go Genting Bus, followed by Awana Skyway Cable Car.We took the Golden Package which included the return tickets for Bus and Cable Car, Outdoor Theme Park pass or Buffet lunch at Coffee Terrace and two coupons,one for unlimited games in two hours at bowling alley for rm15 and the other one for Allie and Tabby cupcakes at rm 8.Such an offer u can't resist!!!
We took the earliest bus trip at 8am from One Utama and arrived at the bus station about 40 minutes later.Then we have to take the world's fastest and South East Asia's longest cable car called Genting Skyway which is approximately 3.38km long.The journey with the cable car takes up about 20 minutes.
Yeah2...we're finally in Genting Highlands.teruja skit..Even though I've been to Genting Highlands for like gazillion times,but this was a trip with my college mates...would be different...Howoe.Unfortunately it was drizzling at the time we arrived.Most of the rides were closed..Seufz...So the rides that were opened for excitement were only Pirates Ghost House and Space Shuttle."Sngt la best geela teramat sangat teruja x ingat dunia" rides ini.Remember there's inverted commas..Huhu.
The other rides were available only from 12 pm onwards since the rain has stopped by then.Yeah2...time to enjoy!!I think we managed to cover most of the outdoor rides except for the Spinner,which was closed for maintenance(dah ar favourite..haih), Sungai Rejang Flume Ride, Grand Prix Fun Kart and children rides.
Are you ready kids?It's picture time...yay2...

Nek bas ramai2....

Awana Skyway cable car...
Before anything...let's photo shoot
Tabby sngt chomeyl...

Kami juga chomeyl

Because it was raining cats and dogs,kitorunk camwhore dulu
Kan dah ckp...haih...
In front of the "Omg best geela rumah hantu ini" ride..

On the way to Dinasourland

At the Dinasourland
Space "Omg-Alien-bangun-from-the-dead" shuttle

Semasa hujan renyai...kabus tebal..muka cuace cerah...kabus berkurangan...muka tembam dan cerah skit..
I want my own Chocolate Wonderland..jadi Billie Bonka...

Chocolate2 everywhere..

Chocolate2 sama caption..memang kot byk chocolate..

First ride after the rain stopped....cyclone

The others tried this except for me..hehe.dah bnyk kali kot try...nak save duit skit..

while on the pirate "geli2 dong" ship

Corkscrew best2..

On the boat touring Dinasourland
X dpt gi London..ambik ngan bas dia pown cukup ar..

Penting untuk post best bler on the phone..

Das Karussell...
Bumper Boat (Favourite ride of the day)

Ni la akibat nak bump into semua org...hehe..termaloe terbasah sudey..

Haha..expression Darwin says it all..

Background xnak lagi lawa ke kan...
Kita minum dulu...
Baru nak naek...dah tutup...haih...
Gold mine la sngt...

Mamam time...
Heading back home...tsk2...Buhbye Genting Highlands
till the next post...Mach's gut und Tschuess!!!!
Es ist wunderschoen, ins Genting Highland zu gehen
super duper jeles!
lepas exam je terus pergi genting!!
gila jeles!!!!!!
tapi enjoy gak la tgk gamba2 korang tuh...muka hepi bangat!! ;D
oh teringat kenangan dengan family.
eh rumah cermin pergi x?
miss it much ;ppp
Wa~~~ lama tak gi genting. rasa best pulak tengok picca kamu. Teringat masa zaman2 bersuka ria bersama kawan2 U di sana. =)
to abhir:
Haha...sabar jerla abir..nanti kita kluar enjoy2 k..
to akmar:
Huhu..kena la enjoy kan lepas exam...hepi2..
to miss lula:
rumah cermin tu yg kapal tu ek..dah tukar la..xde dah...banyak gak benda dah tukar kat genting ni..
to kay:
hehe..betul2..zaman bersuka ria
roller coster reminds me of final destination
to kraken:
haha..yeah a bit..
hooreay! mmg plan nk g sna. bc post ni byk info nk pegi genting. xpyh i ssh2 search hehe..
pix kmu mmg chomeyl! rhymes dgn nma nabeyl hoho. lawa juge aksi seperti t-rex..
wah..best2 genting.lama tak pegi.baru plan nak bwa my doter pgi sana.
to farhana:
Haha...thanx...xde ar chomeyl pown...have fun yeah nanti bler gi Genting..
to faramin:
U should...tapi i advise not to go now since it's rainy season...kalau u baca my next post later..i think u'll understand why...huhu
walaupun dah dkt 20 taun aku duk kat msia dan ramai kwn2 dah penah pegi, aku pelik nape sampai skrg aku tak penah pegi genting..haha..kempunan gila..schöne Erfahrung =)
to ahmad:
La..x pernah sampai ke...uish2..rugi..kena pergi gak walaupown dah mencecah 40 taun nanti..hehe
bilis bonka
to sapekah saya:
Anda mungkin Nad atau Anas..hoh..melampau kutuk org bilis..
xyah kot tunjuk punggung basah
Ya rabbi!
I miss KL too much! I Miss GH pun!!
2x pergi KL, 2x pergi Gh..
Mesti main binatang flying coaster tu..dah jadi febret lah! Tapi bila keluarkan suara ya Allah, macam tak beri peluang orang lain teriak sama! Ahaha.. Tp tahun ne dah naik hargalah, pic yang mreka taken pun dah mahal..jauh beza dgn last year, mungkin taun ne ada keychain 2 lah buat mahal! Oh cyclone pun kita rindulah, kita tetap teriak sekuat hati kita.ahaha..apa lagi kita pergi with the girlfriends memang best punya! Pada mulanya kita pergi dengan family & gfs..then bila nampak keterujaan gfs saya, family saya balik kL awal dari waktu yang sbnar! Ehehe! Alamak dah terbuat blog pula kat sini!
*menampakkan kerinduan saya kat KL & GH*
to reez:
Haha..perlu kot..nak bagitau lain kali sila pakai baju hujan bler main bumper boat...
to syukrina:
woh2..memang tulis blog terus..hehe..u duduk mana actually? dah tukar pricing dorunk..dulu ada gak beli gambar..but this time it's too expensive..keychain tu pown dah tmbh rm15..haih..dulu flying coaster ada promotion rm 6 untuk mycard holder..skang dah xde..hmph..
Yeap, taun lepas flying coaster 6rm if u want to buy your pic additional 12rm..
But now 25rm something right? & flying coaster mahal eh! But i still lovin it pun!!
Tp untuk masuk kat outdoor tu still the same pun 38rm right! Best giler, berbaloi baloi..all your pixs remind me, GH & my gfs & ubi manis & berger ramli! Oh genting ahahaha!!
I wish u were here genting!! Ceh!!
Owh, yang pasti saya bukan tinggal di malaysia & bukan malaysian.. But i adore malaysia!! *drools* nak shopping kat jln TAR! Bb! Lorong india! & yang penting nak habiskan bangunan mid valley & timesquare!!
owh org brunei rupanye..kat brunei pown ada themepark kan?x best ke..teringin gak nak pergi yg kat brunei tu..hehe..skang gambar rm 30 skit arh..mahal geela..haih..syg juga kat malaysia..saya anak malaysia..hehe
pandai pon nabil.. nad ah kekeke
Ehm..di brunei takde themepark, cuma playground! Nama dia jerudong Park..hee..bayar masuk 1bnd (cuma masuk) but nak main bayar 5bnd untuk main semua. Tp tak tau lah sekarang, JP tu dah tak mcm dulu, sunyi semacam! & permainannya pun dah tak banyak sangat, if kat GH ada sungai rejang kat JP ada water-log, extreme then sg rejang. But so sad dah takdelah nabeyl! Im lo0king fwrd to visit kL next time ;)..biiznillah..
Tapi kat brunei nabeyl boleh pergi hutan untuk buat aktiviti..or pergi cruise tengok monyet..*wah seronok nya dia cerita tentang negara dia* hee..
Nabil gambar lain eh? suka post ni..bes2..^_^ but the one bout ur eye infection, scary was tat so bad eh.. u were spoz to kip me updated bout ytday's ceremony, remember... u didnt text me...ish3..
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