Panas...peluh..wap...hawt2...ahhh...nikmat terasa..Harap maklum.Post ini sesuai untuk semua lapisan masyarakat.Sila jangan berfikiran kotor sekarang ye.
STEAMBOAT!!!Haha..What were you guys thinking?Ish2...Yeah I had steamboat at my uncle's house in Sentul.We were having family gathering while celebrating Hari Raya Aidiladha and Sabrina's belated bday.The initial plan was to have barbecue but then changed to steamboat.I prefer barbecue though but oh well steamboat pown jadi gak.The most important thing is the opportunity we had as one big family to develop stronger bond and kinship and also to have quality time, chatting and catching up with new things while enjoying the steamboat.Yeah babeyh...
Those who were present : My family (8 pax) , Ayah Non's Family ( 4), Abg Boy2 and his girlfriend(2), Aunty Aini's family ( 4), Nda's Family( 5), Abg Talib's ( 4) and Abg Jan's ( 4).So total up to become 31.That doesn't even make up 1/4 of the family members and relatives I have...woh2..such a "small" family huh..
Nda Liza invited us over earlier for lunch.We arrived there at about 1.30pm.3 hours before the steamboat occasion started, Amira, kak nadiah and I made up our mind to go and meet up with the rest of the cousins at Sungei Wang.We were there till 7pm before heading back to Sentul. Mamam...mamam...mamam....sembang2.Photoshoot2.Teka-teki2.howoe..
The rest of the night will be explained thru captions below the pictures....

Various ingredients for Steamboat

Sup dan Tomyam...Mee dan Pasta

Xnak Steamboat ada nasi...gulai ikan & sambal petai plk..

Dessert nikmat terasa kot..

Muffins...teka la sapa buat..hehe

Mamam time...

My niece(Zahleya) and nephew(Hazhym)...chomeyl
Semua ternganga tengok sehati berdansa...


Hamster plak jadi centre of attention...

Nak chomeyl je

Same caption...

Up2 and away..

Geeli2 dong tanduk2 ni...
Sempena Hari Raya Korban....

Agak smart kot gambar ni..
Sempena New Moon....


Saturday night fever...

Lagu background Jai Ho berkumandang..


Teka-teki time paling chomeyl..semua nak join...awww..memories..
howoe.,gamba semua nak comel je..i like yg up2 and away and hazyzm 2..sgt comel:)
nabil saya minat sama mung.. kamu udoh berpunyo? steamy sungguh nooo post awak kali ni no.. mung nanti post banyak2 gmbr cute cute kamo no
i like ur blog so much..
this post reminds me of my family in england.,
u punye blog memang da best!
to sayammgcml:
Mestilah..tu penting..mak mas eh ni..
to sayasayangnabil:
trimas kerana meminati..terharu gitoe.
to anonymous(mak mas):
Haha..thanx mak mas..
to anonymous 2:
Thanx yeah..
tajuk kau tak boleh blah..baguslah family kau..happening.
wah.sedapnyer saya plg suke tgk pic2 nabeyl.sgt semangat sekali yerk.esp gmbr2 yang rmai2 tue.;p
lupa nk cakap.u blog mmg da boom.;p.
sy suke.^_^
is that your lukisan beyl?
ahahaha..comel je..kihkihkih..
anyway salam aidiladha!
Dah baru habis hari tasyrik kat brunei..:)
alaaa sweet nte family gather..
enjoy jew sume..
p/s:nabil cute sgt..hee
up2 and away memang cute and happening.. :D
me likey~ hoho..
to cassendra:
Haha..bajet tajuk tu nak attract org la kot...thanx2
to aku orang biasa:
yeah semangat itu penting..thanx yeah.
to syukrina:
huhu..maloe..yeah i lukis tu lepas dapat inspirasi drpd gambar kat internet ni..hehe..hari tasyrik tu ape ek?salam aidiladha to u too..
to miss lula:
Thanx..semua teruja nak lompat2 and posing over2..
to tin tin:
Hey beyl "auf jeden fall danke besuchten blog" *ntah betul atau tidaknya ahahaha..kalau tak betul..lantak sajalah & correct me if im wrong*
Hari tasyrik 11, 12 & 13zulhijjah hari yang still dibolehkan bekorban..
Thank you nabeyl ;)
ye memanag sikit ur family tu..hahahahha
cam best je bila dapat gathering mcm tu..syiok ooo...
to ahmad:
Hehe..kecik kan..i pown terkejut bler dapat taw ramai geela my relatives..teruja pown ada gak.
to syukrina:
Owh..thanx for the info..erm cara betul ckp rasanya camni...Auf jeden Fall moechte ich Danke sagen, dass du mein Blog besucht hast.
pernah bt steambot..
tp sos x reti buat..
just beli bbq sos, tuang and cicah..
x smpy 1/4 p0n?
sgt besar ur family.
tak0t x hengat name s0rang2 lak ti.
well, nice pics.
hav fun.
klaka doo gmbr2...
to z@ck:
Haha..i x pandai pown..main makan je my aunt buat..
to hizami:
Kan2..tu la..ada yg baru sekali jumpa pown ada...semua merata tempat...thanx..u too..hav fun..
to ummi:
Nabil Anak Ku.
Amboiii... syiok tak kira no...steam boat habis la tu..
Ayah really enjoy so much being there with all the family...with u all.... and also with the food...hehehe!!
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