Mengapa kanak-kanak zaman sekarang sangat best hidup mereka.wah skema ayat.howoe.
My cousin who's like 6 years old has her own Facebook what the..???I can still recall the olden days where I would be playing with Congkak, Saidina, Monopoly, Jutaria, Scrabble just to name a few at my young age of 6 years old.Snake & Ladder and UNO cards are like the hottest game that time.But now, the world has undergone a 360 degree metamorphosis where children are getting more tech-savvy and happening.Haha..kitorunk pown happening ok dulu.As time goes by...more and more digital products are being created, developed and sold in the market world.Some of the early "It thang" in gamer's world would be tetris, gameboy, pokemon, digimon and tamagotchi. could we forget.The past will determine the future.Imagine the privilege that we have right now and those that will be in the future..woh2...Future generation sila bersyukur ye..Owh one thing that i would like to say...I think it is very important for us to keep on supporting our classic games and protect their existence.Remember the sweet memories we had when we played Saidina or Monopoly with our family and friends...I miss the part when we play the games while listening to their laughter, seeing their expressions and exclamation : sigh, woh, wei, ahhhh, oiiii, x aci ar, tipoe eh, jup2 nak fikir,adoi and many more...rindu owh.. It is also important to take children's minds away from indulging unhealthy activities( Internet 24/7).Parents do u thang!!
Why I came up with this post, u might ask?I went to One Utama yesterday with Izzah and Zharin to watch a movie...that was the initial plan, but it turned out to be a window shopping for me and a shopping spree for izzah and miserable I was..Owh about this post.The moment I saw these gigantic life size board games being displayed at the lobby of One Utama, I can recall back immediately my childhood period which I've missed the most..tsk2.
Nak jadi kanak-kanak riang balik...How i wish we could turn back time and enjoy all the things that we have missed...But oh well, the journey that we've chosen can never be undone...teringat poem "The road not taken" la plak.
Pics time..enjoy.
Before going to One Utama, we went to a bazaar at dataran shah alam called Pekan Frijan.There would be few Indie Bands performing that night but unfortunately we had another plan so we didn't stay on to watch them performing.hurm.

I bought a new pair of sunglasses..hawt2..izzah got herself a pendant and a button.Cute.And we got them for a cheaper price thanx to my two blogger friends, Adam and Shahril.Check out their blog if you want to know what they're selling.Chomeyl dan hawt... kot kalau x silap..
One Utama.
Some of the gigantic games displayed...best2..
Mana dice nak main nih....

We went shopping...yeah

I only did window shopping...tsk2..kalau la kaya raya..

Time tunggu cucuk duit..

Transformation tertibe yg konon ala2 jason mraz...hmphh..
Queueing time

Mamam time..gambar di atas zharin gedik nak cucuk2..nabeyl tahan gelak..tapi terlepas dah..
Bye kawan2..
Muka blog nabeyl itu penting..
My blog will be static for the next 4 days.Reason : Attending BTN as an important requirement by JPA.Hopefully akan have fun to the fullest..x pown berlakon akan have fun to the fullest.Baeklah.Sampai di sini saja.Noktah.
I do love this post beyl..;D thank you ye!!
Walaupun waktu kanak-kanak kita takde all the stuff, tapi banyak juga games yang sehappening facebookkan. Atleast kita ada cerita untuk hari datang kita tentang hari kecil kita, taklah boring sangat, & terlalu nampak akan perubahan kita dari seorang budak kecil ke remaja then ke belia.
Kalau kita dah main fb dari umur early 6years old takde apa nak diceritakan remaja pun still dgn fb sampai ke belia pun. Sayangkan our traditional games.. Congkak, batu simban (seremban), main cacing, main gatah..wuish rindu all the stufflah! Kalau main batu simban/ seremban tu siap after main kita buang "sial" dulu takut-takut bila malamnya ada yang mengikut main batu simban..hehehe..ntah tak tau lah..siap ada petua lagi..hee..sorry nabeyl dah terpanjang.
owh. rindu O1. dh lama tak lepak sana. sejak tak ada kereta (dan tak ada org nk tumpangkan sy). sekian.
To syukrina:
haha.xpe.smgt tu penting.betul gak.nanti kita ada bnyk benda nak cita kat cucu dan cicit kita.wah.konon kan.hehe.i odw g btn nie.on d bus.gigih ambik mobile internet semata2 nak bc comment blog.
To shandye:
Ala sian dia.u ckp pasal ou ke shah alam?
Safe on road blogger boi!
Do Take care & have fun while u can! Hee!
berpeluh jugak ler..
aku baca blog ko yg panjang ni...
tau ler x dpat berblog selama 4 ari..
tp jgn ar tulis..
mcm nak blas dendam utk 4 ari tu..
terseksa kami..
selamat ber BTN ye...dah dekat dah nk ke germanny....
haha..have fun g BTN..
jgn risau..
u'll be having fun at btn..
hope balik dari btn nnt u'll get sumthing..
yerpmasa kanak2 tu lebih heppy dari jadi remaja.
persahabatan anak2 kecil yang lebih ikhls.mostly, tak de nak tikam2 blakang.
n lau leh umah fully dengan alat2 mainan yang best2.suma mintk parents ,! dengan lagak hentak2 kaki siket. konon gertak lah. hahha
i love to be Kanak-kanak riang...
Apa pon tak perlu risau...
Apa kita nak...semua dapat...
dan sekarang dan berbeza...
Gud luck for ur BTN...
Anak ku Nabil.
Yes ler... best juga masa dulu tengok you all main congkak, main saidina, main ape tu..."Not At Hong"!! Hahahahahaha.... ayah pon tumpang seronok.
Cuma u all miss, ada satu permainan masa kat kampong, main tembak2. Kami buat senapang kayu picu getah...innovative woo...pakai peluru biji tasbih lagi!
Ahh...those were the days...canggih during my time... Well... AS a mater of fact change is the essence of time... all of us have to adapt to new games ya...
yeah... we mmg chomel.. hahaha.. n hensem :P
thanks babe for coming down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Salam ziarah. Blog anda sgt menarik. Jemputlah dtg ke blog saya pula. Jom kita saling jadi follower? Buat MOU, OK? Thanks.
Zuki (
Bestnya jadi kanak-kanak! Nasib baik kita masih kanak-kanak. Haha!
to primadona:
La..terseksa ke..huhu..sowie..akan cuba dgn gigih untuk kurangkan tahap kesemangatan menjadi kanak2 riang.
to ezam:
Thanx..I noe2..takot..insyaallah dapat pergi..less than a month..hurm.
to iyllienaz:
Thanx..haha..just got back..akan blog kot about it.
to z@ck:
haha..yeah2..betul..nanti akan post about it.
to liyanaKim:
teringat lagi time kanak2..buat muka ala chomeyl nak nanges mesti dapat apa kita nak..tapi skang pown mak bapak dah pandai..buat2 tinggalkan je..xle manjakan anak2 zaman skang..haha..balas dendam.
to saya bell:
thanx..baru balik..letih tp best..akan post about it.insyaallah
to ayah:
Sangat betul...the increase in new and modified games is in parallel with the rise of the new generation...we'll just have to wait and see wut will our children later be playing...flying robotics i guess..
to adam:
Eh bleh plak...benda u jual agak chomeyl.u're most welcome.
to juk:
thanx...i dah link ur blog.
to ayyman:
Haha..kanak2 ke kita...dah dekat nak masuk 20 pown..terasa matang le plak..tapi x kisah..nak kanak2 riang jugak.
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