Alhamdullillah I got the chance to spend quality time with my family and friends before I left.But im pretty upset and disappointed that I didnt have the opportunity to meet some of my friends for the last time because they have gone back to their respective universities..Keep in touch..that's all i can true.We're living in the 21st century where communication is never a huge problem.Skype,yahoo messenger,msn messenger,facebook,myspace u name it.Howoe...jadi sila2 jangan segan ye.
Here are some pics just to give u all a sneak peak of what I've been thru for the past few days..
Pics courtesy of Nabeyl's and Azizi's camera.

We made our way on a 3-hour journey ride by bus to Koeln (Cologne),the place where I'll be spending my time for the next 6 to 8 months.

My room..yeay2.I'm staying with 6 other malay guys from KBU...Best2...dah kenal we get along very well with each other.

Jengjalan petang/malam on the first day we arrived in Germany.Paling semangat gi cari kedai jual sim card and broadband.Gigih cakap german walaupown byk kot salah untuk beli sim card and broadband...yes2..kudos...

The place where my friends and I are staying...Other students are divided to different houses in different places...

Lunch,goh and chang win came to our house..I cooked instant mushroom cheese soup and Zhafran bought a loaf of bread for all of us.Yummy2...
That's all for today...I'll keep my blog updated if I have the time...insyaallah..take care..Tschuess und Mach's gut!!!Salam from Germany, Nabeyl.
OK. GOOD. Congrets.
all the best & gud luck!
Pakcik suka!
hey nabeyl.. germany is so beautiful kan? omg jeles gler tgk gambar itu ahahaha... wish u all d best ok :P
forget me not~ *ayat over x?*
Nabeyl! Best eh! All the best! Sounds great bila kwn2 kbu pun ramai kan..Belajar dengan gigih k!!
Wassalam from Brunei Syukrina..ahahah!
its funny if i try to recall how i am able to bump into your blog. it was on someone else's facebook's status update and i though well what the heck, lemme had a quick read on that, since i love to read.
and i just got hooked. plus, ever since i started to be an avid reader of your blog i kinda picked up a few words in germany (even if i need to use that handy google translator).
anyway... take care nabil. as always... be rooted to where you stand, chillax... and always be a camwhore when you're there cuz that is like a once in a lifetime chance over there.
keep updating pls. i'll read. hehe...
all the best with ur study n future nabil..baru bace blog hanis n terlintas nk blog-walking kat ur blog...sgt teruja life kat sane...
be good!n gud luck Ir. Nabil
it's nice to know u have safely arrived though i didn't know u have left. anyway this entry is really inspiring. waaa i wanna go oversea as well! haha~ all the best nabeyl!
wah.. nabil dah ada kawan laki... sebelum ni perempuan jer
all the best!
germany snow tengah lebat kan now take care bro..
cambez gile jek???
Stalk Nabil punya blog thru Hanis punya blog. Owh Kak Amy mmg suka baca journey2 students di overseas. So I'll keep coming :). All the best in your studies ya!
Good luck over there!
Ok..dalam byk2 tmpat yg u post kat atas nih..i terpikat ngan ur bathroom ok..if i ada bathroom mcm tu kat my campus mgkin i akan terrr..smbung tydow kat dlam bad..hahaha.
nabil. best nye!
gosh! this is all so great!
hopefully in 2012 i'll be there :D
erk..patut la senyap..hehehe pergh nampak cam best jer..wonderful babe..
mahu ke sana jgk la lps ni..heheheh
germany. best nya. tapi salji sangat tebal sekarang .anyway good luck in your study. s not as fun as it look sebab the courses is quite hard.well all the best.
so goodluck to you nabil and dont worry abut you friend and family here cozz i will take care of them and dont be shy to stop to my blog
Hohoho..Nabil, bestnya. Doakan jr. Ktorg pun nk fly nach De. sama mcm korg.
adik proud wif u.take care.
Anak ku Nabil Aizat.
I am happy that u are getting yourself familiarized with the place & weather. Remember about managing your time, and also adapting to other change elements (weather, food, health, etc). Dont forget your solat, always start your day with Bismillah....& end your day with Alhamdulillah... And pray that there will be another tomorrow for you to go through, and pray for the well-being of others, then only pray for your own well-being too.
Ayah & Mak will always see you in our hearts. Our many do'a for you & colleagues.
Wassalam anak ku,
- Ayah & Mak
wah! sungguh pantaz nabil hapdet blog dia. suke suke suke! jaga diri baik2 ye. berhapdet la selalu. bawak kami 'ronda2' ur campus nanti.
GOODYBAGS?? awesomeness.
and your room is totally th nuts, which put my rustic room kat UM ni to shame.
i envy u man..ngeee~~
anyway take care of ur health..n all the best..
nak awek german..ngeee...
sorry u guys for not replying one by one to ur comments...Was kinda busy exploring and getting used to using the s-bahn and u-bahn (trains) and also to find places to get cheap yeah..thanx for all your wishes..sangat terharu..will keep u guys updated..insyaallah.
rasa sangat terharu ....aah tetiba walaupun auntie tak kenal kamu...
be good ok..
ill miss Nabeyl!!
good luck for you.
all the best.
haih..tersgat lah merindui kamoo kuzens ku..
hamoeh2..ayat power x??
so mcm mne??
best je nmpakkan..
tke care kuzen.!<3
Congratz and Good luck with ur study..Europe is best and Cool..
Ada Apa Dengan Hanis Zalikha
Willkommen~ Koeln is a great city which i wish i could visit. Good to know there's quite a handful of fellow malaysians there. Scheiß~ Es ist ganz kalt. Kalter als letztes Jahr.
Alles Gute - von Schweinfurt, Bayern~
malaysians people will b so proud of u.. hoho i really want to know well this lucky person..assalamualaikum
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