Haha...the correct answer is Tyn...actually all eyes were on her gladiator sandals..hawt la tu kan..konon je..tp agak la kot..once Tyn got down from the car...I was like wah...lawa sandal gladiator...
Ayy Gee Zee (AGz) - wrong pronunciation actually
Pejam celik pejam celik.One year has passed,twelve fleeting months, fifty-two weeks...I think the last time i met Tyn was like last year during Hari Raya celebration...omg...aperkah..dua2 duduk dekat tp x sempat jumpa..howoe..rindu banget..Wanoy...haha...it seems like yesterday we met each other..x sedey sngt..tp rindu kaw jugak...
The actual plan was to go and catch a movie at Sunway Pyramid...But the cinema was chock-a-block of people...woh2..nak queue pown ambik sejam kot..So we went shopping instead...I was looking for a new wallet as my old one got ________.Sila isi tempat kosong dgn perkataan yang sesuai.Setiap satu jawapan yang betul akan mendapat 1 markah..ye nabeyl sila deyam skang.
We went from one shop to another looking for the most practical,eye-catching,affordable and hawtness wallet...I am a little bit choosy when it comes to shopping....I just can't make up my mind without my shopping buddies...I need their opinion on almost anything...ye benar..Unfortunately as expected,I didn't find the wallet i wanted ...so yeah..
Tyn on the other hand,was looking for her anniversary present...Wanoy...teman shopping dgn gigih..As we stroll along from shop to shop, people were gawking at us as if they've never seen two girls and a guy walking together...
Speculated reasons:
-Nabil a.k.a Casanova walking in between two girls
-Kereta Api x sampai ke destinasi- Ni dah check berkali2 okeyh...
-Kamie bertiga terlalu hawt together(Okie ni perasan lebey tp harap sngt betul)
-Stain kat baju lepas makan Carl's Junior beef chilli fries(Thanx Wanoy)
-Kamie bertiga dianggap artist sebab time tu ada show Bintang,Camelia jadi jury plak...lawa kot dia.(Ni saja nak suruh aku ikut jejak langkah Nabil Raja Lawak dan Nabil Mentor)Howoe...
Turned out to be
Kasut Tyn yg gladiator tu lah yg menarik perhatian remaja2,ibu2,bapak2...dan x lupa juga salegirls kat Padini Concept Store..tuh paling kot..
Baru nak perasan jadi artist terkenal..haha..
Memories of the day:
-Rib Cage Tony Romas....
-Ke-pekak-an Nabil as an effect from doing his chem exp on the day before...terus jadi bengong dan pekak...skit la..
-Main trolley giant
-Lompat2 di udara
-Photography session
Suka gambar nie.
Saja mengemoekan muka yg mmg dah gemoe
Tua kan muka sorunk2
Wanoy und ich
Bler the childish side of u memberontak
Kanak2 ribena sngt seronok kot..
Berterbangan di udara
salam. tumpang lalu je. intai2 jiran baru. hehehehe
sandal gladiator pun hendak wow ke? aku ingat dah lama dah dia beli dan pakai. kau datang kedah skrg tgk berapa juta org pakai. *aku je tak sebab aku kan sengaja outdated. HA TENGOK TENGOK KEDAH MAJUU
apa kaw black pepper fries. beef chili fries kot. omg gambar suma best. and ribcage story paling x boleh blah. hahaha :)
"i was looking for a new wallet as my old one got rompak!"
hahaha okay ni entry kau yang paling menarik aku rasa. grammar kau, (okay thina mengaku je lah kau suka sebab ada gambar kau and nabil mention pasal attraction glads yang so-3-years-ago)
ha, tahu pun kau kita dah lama tak jumpa. rindu kau tahu. jap, last time kita jumpa masa dengan kerel lah. ke hanis nak pergi segamat ?
oh and reason kereta api tu aku tak berapa faham ?
okay bye.
bkn maen lagi nabeyl ats troli tu..klau ewa jd wanoy, ewan tolak je samp bwh...baru cam rolloer cster kn??muahaha (gigih ngan kekejamn ewan nie..) :P
so, korang sumer tak tgok movie ke??
ewan kempunan nk tgok the conffesion of shophlic tu..jom tgok nk??
to eragon:
salam....tumpank lalu la slalu...
to Iz:
wah je weih...bawah skit dari wow..haha..ye kaw mmg..konon myspace pown nak outdated...xnak profile 2..cis..kedah aku taw dah maju..tu apply nak gi changlun mulanya.howoe.
to Wanoy:
Haha...kan...aku kan tua semua benda nak lupa..tp ada black pepper sauce dan sedap banget..bleh ar tu..thanx again for the great day..
to Mel:
Xde2..word x sesuai...tolak 5 markah..haha
to Athnina:
Haha..kan2..nie ke first time ada gambar kaw..hehe..jom outing slalu..besh2..kereta api itu...landasan yg x sampai...sluar...erm..senang citer zip jerla weih...
to hazwan:
Haha..dah xle gi tgk wayang ngan ewan..x pasal2 kena tolak jatuh bangunan..x tgk pown...nampak besh kan citer tu...FAST AND FURIOUS gempak sngt..
to iz : i know, roight. padahal glads are so 3 summers ago ke apa. aku baru nak belog pasal tu. nanti kau baca la.
to nabil : OHHH. HAHA OKAY I GET IT. maksud tersirat betul. hokeh this week jom buat lagi. kali ni drag aida sekali. kau kena ajak baru dia nak.
(eh eh siapa blog owner skrg ? haha)
suka pic yg dlm trolley tu...
funny la...
to Athina:
yes..berjaya menerangkan maksud tersirat..weih bler kaw nak ada blog nie..cepatan dong..
to sitekateki:
haha...time tu mmg besh...terus rasa cam budak2 balik..
beswt gila nmpaknya..
to abir:
Besh gler la gak kot..
LOL, kesian trolley. Nabeyl, wallet gone missing, it's a sign tau heeeeeeeeee. Nyways, shopping activity best bukan :)
to atiqah:
sangat kot..haha..sign untuk shopping wallet baru...omg aperkah..x insaf lagi..
to hanis:
tyn xnak buat blog lagi kot...sku xtaw ar dia dah ada ke tak...smart ke gambar tu...lawak je aku tgk..muka tua biasa..
lambat nye i..
luv d happy faces..
strolling n jumping2 kat trolly~
hahaha..fun kot!
busy with finals la..
so~ jeles tgk aktiviti begini!! :p
Nabil, I iri hati sangat dgn you - you seem like a wonderful guy with lots of friends, and I nak jadik mcm you jugak ! So, I letak gambar you and your friends on my note board (walaupun I tak kenal korang semua!) so that insya Allah nanti I dpt kengkawan sehati-sejiwa mcm korang jugak!! There's a good energy in your blog, a very positive energy, and I hope to attract that into my life as well. Lots of friends, lots of love, lots of fun and laughter. :) Thanks for sharing your life. :)
To ryz4l:
Haha..part trolley mmg lawak..org lain tgk semcam jer..nie budak 19 tahun ker 9 tahn..
To Anonymous:
Ur most welcome..im so glad that my blog gives positive effects on others...alhamdullillah i got this circle of friends that i can really relate to...i bet u will have one of ur own...just be urself k...nak kenal?ada myspace..facebook?
Nabil, minta maaf. Aku terlink kau.
to amers:
Haha..lawak ar mintak maaf..x terlink pown aku check.
it looks like ur havin fun for 365 per year
ngahahha. troli tu x pancit kt hng duk dalam dia?
To mud:
Haha..we have to live our life to the fullest...nanti kalau dpt gi germany..x sempat nak have fun ngan kawan kat sini..so yeah...kuat kot tayar troli jusco tu..
Sekali lagi, aku minta maaf. Aku tak sangka aku boleh link. Cis.
wah...bestnye duduk dlm trolley....teringt zaman waktu kecik2 dulu yg ske and masih muat duk dlm trolley..btw...tumpang lalu...hehehe
New here, got to nabeyl.blogspot.com by searching bing and seriously like it here, will enjoy my stay for sure
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