Ola rambut pendek....
Yes...Hair Clipper Set..checked!!!
Hebat owh gunting ni..xde x sah la..yg penting say no to rambut kembang...
As I couldn't bear it any more having this Sarang-Tebuan hair which will soon be Sarang-Burung hair if i don't get it cut soon, I made up my mind that I'll get my hair cut today.So I did... The main reason why the sarang tebuan must go off is that there'll be an episode of Jejak Kasih on Monday...My mom is in Europe babeyh!!!yeah.Oh my how I miss her dearly..and yeah I wouldn't want her to see how clumsy her son has become after coming to Germany.So terpaksalah gi potong rambut..tsk2...
A little bit of advise to the students coming to further their studies overseas especially Germany, please learn on how to cook and how to get your hair cut by yourself...Seriously you can save lots of money..and you can enjoy more wonderful things in life..hehe.
Gambar bajet chomeyl penting untuk cakap Tschuess und Mach's gut!!!
Till the next post...
wooh,rambut baru u hot!can't wait for jejak kasih post.:)-likha
nice hair.
n cool.
if cut sendiri..botak lah jawabnya.
hensem hair You Got There Beyl!
Yeayyyy!! Patut lah Mak nak datang! olololo~ ahahaha..How's Your study? okeh..take care Nabeyl!!
aku baru je ptg rambut semalam,ni kire kite cam kembar lah...hahaha
to ika:
Haha..thanx2...insyaallah akan post pasal jejak kasih plak..
to cik epal:
Kalau i simpan rambut panjang bukan cam abe jimmy dah...dah bleh jadi back up singer alleycats kot...
to hizami:
thanx..lepas ni kena gigih potong sendiri..no more going to the saloon unless desperately need a hair cut..hehe
to muhammad:
Haha..tahu xpe..tu la takot nak potong sendiri..housemate semua x reti potong..nak jadi dorunk nye guinea pig pown takot..huhu
to syukrina:
Alhamdullillah semua okay....masih lagi gigih berusaha nak improve my german..huhu...yeay mak datang..
to epul:
Haha..bleh plak kan...hallo kembar
Anak ku Nabil.
Wowww.... smart la..!!
Mesti la smart pasal expensive haircut kan...hehe
Accessories yang dah beli tu...kena minta housemate tolong do it for you... After 2-3 times ok la tu..
if you try cutting your own hair... nanti serong, senget sana sini...
It is very easy for your friend to use... senang ja....suroh dia sikat, hold & then trim rambut yang keluar dari sikat tu..
The other way is to use the Number 4 or 6 (the clip that determined the hair length after trimming). Trim first by yourself, then the finishing touch like the belakang tengkok part, your friend can do it.
Savings per year per person is:
20 Euro x 12 = 240 Euro = RM1200.00
Waa...hhh...price of air airticket taw.....!!
Take care anak ku....
Love from ayah
Jangan lupa solat, doa bersama usaha, hormatilah guru2 dan teman2, berbuat baik lah kepada orang tua2 ya...
to ayah:
Haha..exactly..beh save banyak kot..tapi kalau desperate pown nabil gi potong once in two months..haha..tu la potong bagi pendek terus..mungkin try to trim jer kot...potong tu nanti akan try mintak kawan tolong..huhu.
to wee han:
Haha..u'll be my guinea pig then..cun2
wah..wah..after blk Msia laeh bukak Saloon..ngeh..ngeh..
erm...nice kan?!? a good try! but anything can happen kalo kita dlm keadaan terdesak. human being nabil.
take a gud care wokey!
to aku:
Baru nak blaja kot..huhu...xde makne nak bukak saloon.
to cham:
Thanx cham..u too.
hye nabil...nice hair...
tp ble u cut ur hair like this,
i rse lg nmpk muke u cm abe jimmy...
berapa mahal ek potong rambut kt sana????
heeehee..ptg rmbt..student malaysia paling ramai rmbut pjg kt sna..ye la..mmg mahai kan..er..kt my blog dh ada date kawen..usya2 yer
nnti belaja potong rmbut perempuan sakli eyk...
i will be ur 1st customer... w00t..
to qiqi:
la ye ke..baru ingat kalau x rambut panjang x macam jimmy dah..howoe..
to ezam:
it depends kat mana u potong rambut..kalau kat barber cam mamak tapi kat sini orang turkey pown dah 9 - 10 euro...kalau saloon lagi mahal lah..
to D'lla:
Haha..agak la seniors ramai gak berambut panjang..tapi x tahan kot kalau nabil rambut panjang..kembang sngt..Tahniah D'lla..
to crazy_labelle:
ye la tu..x pasal2 je jadi rambut cam ape kan..yg penting gunting i order from ebay dah sampai..wohoo..sape nak jadi my first customer nih..
tengok alatan cam dah boleh bukak bisnes kedai gunting. hehe
to sya mansor:
Haha..agak la kan...ntah laku ke x.
haha..wah rambut baru.it suit u well lah..:).omel.ahaks
wah semangat betul nak potong rambut beli accessory bagai..haha.dah ley bukak kedai gunting rmbut pas nih.ahaks,:")
hehe..rmbut kembng..hehe..my fiance pernah wat tahun lps..mmg afro kaw2..tp balik aritu tuh mmg kn cantas..haha..rebonding lg..ngehngehngeh
to Arra JaSmY:
Hehe thanx...saja je nak save duit...tgh cari pelanggan pertama ni..x jumpa lagi..haha
to D'lla:
Actually teringin gak nak try buat afro tapi macam x selesa plak..
hehe..i wonder la..lain org lain rs kan..hehe..time ni la nk merasa pn :P
er..awk mmg xsesuai rmbt pjg..kalo brani pjg mcm kembar siam jimmy shanley tu ok gak..haha
nabil, i have a few guy friend di germany and i think they are back for good now. yeah, mase students, they tend to biarkan rambut panjang- i think that was the main reason - sbb mahal sgt. i wonder how you look like bila rambut panjang.. maybe mcm abg jimmy juga tapi versi rambut panjang.
haha! selamat belajar adik!
to D'lla:
Hoho..panjang dan kembang bukan cam jimmy dah..cam alleycats terus..
to bitsANDpieces:
Thanx ye kak.huhu..xkan berambut panjang kot..tgk la camne nanti
boleh beli seluar jean!!
handsomeee. (Y)
mcm jimmy shanley ehhe
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