Thursday, July 2, 2009

German Summer Fest/ Deutsches Sommerfest

Deutsche Schule Kuala Lumpur

I was so looking forward to this event,German Summer Fest...and also the arrival of juniors at KBU International College.Teruja kot....Seniority is importante...Getting use to meeting German is absolutely sngt betul.

While waiting for the van to arrive....

Asal tertiba ikut pose Ng nie..

We were invited to a German Fest conducted at the Kuala Lumpur German School ( Deutsche Schule Kuala Lumpur) on Thursday, 2nd July 2009.Haha..i thought it would be a tremendous fun visiting a school where mostly the students are German.Owh boy,how i was wrong....I would just say it was okay...nothing much took place except for the part were i got the chance to taste some of the German cakes...delicious,mouth watering,sehr lecker especially chocolate brownies and muffins...nikmat terasa kot..

Woh2..sampai2 tangan dah gerak...

My favourite part of the table...

Chomeyl...nak potong pown takot...

Translation:Are you a good dancer?If not,you can come today's evening to learn something from the dance group. 5pm to 6.30pm.Only in Theater room...howoe

Enjoying my brownies...

Nabil,Goh und Ng(Front)
Alfred und Azizi ( Back)

School band...

Once arrived at that school,we received a warm welcome from the organiser of the event,who's a malaysian and can only speak basic German. It was funny seeing my German teacher talking to her using both languages,German and English but mostly German..haha.pity that lady..
Then came this adorable 8 years old boy with a pamphlet in his hand,asking me "Do you know how to dance?"Haha...he showed me the leaflet and even use his body language to describe dancing..alolo...chomeyl sngt..

Guten Appetit...

Ber-background-kan flea market

After finished getting myself bloated with cakes and fresh juice, we went to the flea market located next to the entrance...Things that were sold: German Books,German Barbie Doll, t-shirts and pants und so weiter...We had nothing better to do,so we decided to go and check out the dancing floor a.k.a disco.Huhu..Lagu dah gempak kot...Abba,Bee Gees and few others old time singers...But the hilarious thing was,those people on the dance floor were children from the age of 7 to 12 years old...Maloe kot nak join...Kang menari terlebey melampau plak kan..

Owh one more thing,they were using uv light in the so called disco and coincidently I was wearing white...So i was like glowing in the dark skit arh..Snap2...photoshoot skit..

The flea market i told u guys about...

Xtaw nape..tapi I sker gamba ni..

Rumitha und ich

Abba..fav german band...oldies...

Glow in the dark...

Next,we had a tour around the whole school and were able to see how German classes really are..canggih kot...the way they position their tables and chairs, the learning medium they use,the size of the classroom are pretty much different from ours.After the tour,my friends and I decided to go back into the disco hall but this time more than half of the group went in...It was really fun...there was a masquerade fashion show and after that all of us went dancing...we were actually mimicking the way the kids were dancing...sngt chomeyl je semua...After saying goodbye and showed appreciation to the organiser,we made our way back to KBU INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE...It was a wonderful day...

Dance...Jump...Put your hands up!!Shake ur terlebey sudah..

Haha..budak german nie pown nak join...

My roommate mmg gatal skit...tapi best geela gambar nie.jealous..

German version...
Wir haben uns recht herzlich zum Sommerfest am Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009 an der Deutschen Schule Kuala Lumpur (Lot 5,> Lorong Utara B, Off Jalan Utara, 46200 Petaling Jaya eingeladen.Auch in diesem Sommer fand das Sommerfest der DSKL in Zusammenarbeit mit der GSSKL an der Deutschen Schule KL statt.Das Fest begann - um 16.00 Uhr mit Kaffee und Kuchen. Frau Tan gab heute aus.Eigentlich hat CDC alles bezaehlt,nicht Frau Tan.Huhu. Nebenbei wurden auch gebrauchte Kleinigkeiten in Form eines Flohmarktes angeboten.Ab 17.00 Uhr eröffnete die GSSKL ihren Sektstand, an dem sie uns gerne begruesst haben.Fuer die Kinder gab es ausreichendes Spielprogramm, Puppentheater,Schulbandvorfuehrungen, Disco und so weiter - ab 20.00 Uhr gab es Abendessen und dann - ab 21.00 Uhr Musik mit DJ.Leider koennte wir die Veranstaltungen beitreten...Schade...Wir mussten uns eigentlich beeilen,zu Hause wiederzukommen.Ehrlich gesagt,wir hatten viel Spass,die Deutsche Schule zu besuchen.Wir haben einige Leute kennegelernt und viele besonderen Kuchen probiert.Das war einen schoenen Tag!!

Chomeyl nyer dua org couple la plak...

Frauen...hawt kot...


Hakeem und ich


Abir Abhar said...


kay said...

Wow..seems like u all were enjoying that day..
Good for u...
Anyway,issit hard learning German lang?
Back in my Secondary school, we did hv Japan n Franch, but i cant learn them,way too hard..
So, i took Mandarin..It was good...
Hahaha..lucky u then of having this German language...u hv one extra language that u know..wohooo

ada the baker said...

guten morgan :)

zul said...

wau... mencapap, meriah, mengagumkan, menyelerakan dan mmg debooommm...

Nabil Aizat Abdul Rahman said...

to abir:

to kery:
Well..if u dont have the interest,then it is damn hard..german has gender for their kinda hard to remember that...grammar xyah ckp la kan...susah geela gak ada one extra language...

To rabiatul:
Guten Morgen!!

To zul:
Mencapap ke...haha..mmg deboom skit arh

Anonymous said...

nabil amek gamba mesti nak ternganga sikit kann. haha trademark2

-kesten emira

Rahmat Hidayat said...

omg~ besh nye u leh jmpe juniors n most importantly d germans huhu..
those cakes n brownies really make my mouth salivating tau..
PS: i rasa ur pimple dh surut la hahaha :P