Have you ever wondered how the world has tremendously changed from the time petroglyph and symbols were carved into the walls of the cave until today, the era of globalisation and technology?
I'll become crazy if I continue to think how people have discovered and developed all these tech gadgets and other forms of technology until today..imagine zaman dulu2 guna batu je okie...tertibe ambik kaw ada laptop, smartphones, 4G, bla bla bla....Effing awesome..
So yeah..stop thinking and just enjoy what the world has to offer...the crazy world of technology...yeah..
Well..to be honest..I'm actually kinda ketinggalan zaman in terms of technology advancement..But it's not too late kan...gigih kot skang nak catch up balik..
One thing leads to another...
1. Samsung Galaxy S
I got myself a Smartphone..wohoo2..yeah...Semua orang nak pakai iPhone and Blackberry kan.I pulak xnak jadi cam semua orang..So I went online, did some research on what phone would be on par with iPhone and Blackberry..walah..terus tertarik ngan Samsung Galaxy S...Setanding ngan iPhone 4 okay...iPhone cam best but too common..So I pown beli la Samsung Galaxy S..Sokong Asia kot..Korea, u made Asia proud...I'm happy with the choice I made...Totally in love with this phone..like totally..totally in love..humma2
2. Exploring the phone
I found out so many cool stuffs I can do with this phone.Typing with Swype sangat cool okay...Going online has never been this easy..wohoo...If u ask my close friends, they would know how bad I am with directions..Skang x dah ye..GPS membantu yáll. Android, Layar,Google Maps navigation, E-book,Google Talk,Vlingo just to name a few...I cam budak ketinggalan zaman yang jakun kan....hee
3. Android Markets and Samsung Apps
I macam slalu je dengar orang cakap android markets apps...Tertibe baru nak discover kan..Best geela main games...download apps...Fav games would be Angry Birds and Wordfeud...addicted woh main games ni..Samsung Apps
4. Facebook touch....Twitter and now Tumblr.
Facebook boleh jadi makin gigih la kan dah bler2 bleh reply message and comments...Twitter account i created like 2 years ago..tp x pernah guna..baru nak gigih balik..hee..and Tumblr. just started when my friend, Andrew Chan mentioned about it...So kalau rajin follow la...and my Tumblr profile is still new..still in the amateur state..insyaallah..more posts will come..
I'm sorry for the long pause since the last post.I'm kinda busy right now due to the study life phase...so yeah..nothing much interesting happened for the past few weeks..the coming weeks should be interesting..I hope..Stay tune yáll...
Tschüss und mach's gut...owh Adiós jugak...i blaja spanish plak skang..hee..
OMG!! adore that phone so much!
samsung jadi pilihan ;) bestnya tau pilih -_-
samsung jadi pilihan ;) bestnya tau pilih -_-
samsung for life!!...haha...
ko try app tango...app utk vid call.. aku x try lg tp membe aku ckp best.. :)
saya akan culik handy anda. danke
To adie: hee..i pown sngt adore this phone..
To aneesa: I ambik time lama kot nak decide...huhu..tp best I made a good decision.
To ilmi: bleh try nanti.. owh tp kat sini nak video call ngan sapa.
To emira: saya culik awak pastu mintak duit tebusan kat ytm..hehe
nabil, aku nak satu leh. tolong belikan. *wink2
konklusinye, hp baru.. hahahah
to Naim:
Tolong belikan bleh je...nak no account skang? hehe
to Imah:
Tu salah satunye la..nak bagitau jugak dah ada Twitter and Tumblr..hee
Aku pun dah 3 bulan guna galaxy S..kalau baca review pun its better than iphone in many aspects! Iphone.ni overrated.huhu.
Kau dengan bapak aku boleh gang.
Hye Nabil,nice choice,i think inspired by Korean,im using HTC,application suma sama ngan Samsung Galaxy :)
addicted with the Andry Bird jg,try app Talking Cat (do you hv this app?if not try search on Android Market) its really funny and adorable,ble layan la :)
To fndrocka:
Iphone sngt kot..kat sini bnyk offer iphone smpi ramai geela orang pakai..samsung galaxy rocks!
To Arriana:
Haha..i dah bnyk explore apps..talking robot pon dah ada..hee..chomeyl2
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