Yay..another post on Paint Your Imagination..To be frank,I wanted to keep this post till next week cuz I wouldn't want my blog to be just full of paintings, craft arts and miniature buildings..But i was so tempted by the fascinating graphics that the art students of KBU have come up with.Such an awe-inspiring piece of art...The graphic artwork was created in conjunction with the Graphics Day 2009.So now,all the graphics from KBU students are being exhibit on the walls in the lobby of my college.BRAVURA!!!
Now..the moment of truth...haha..enjoy the pictures...

Terasa hensem sebentar...haha..background nak lawa je..



Lawa la gak

Sker..ala2 inspirasi jepun plak

Black and White


Takotnyer...as if..haha

Andy Warhol mmg best...try la google dier nye masterpiece..

Background belakang chomeyl

Paling Chomeyl

X braper chomeyl

Absolutely yes...

Nie cam sesat..xper..still lawa
ive seen crazier toilet signs... huh, i feel so young whenever i read your blog hahahhah sangat -_-'
wah! sungguh menawan! i like! suke design kat gambo no 10 di blakang incik nabil! sungguh cute designnyer. yang toilet sign pon sunggoh cool! kami cool kami tak hot! haha
cantik2 belaka..
eh nabil,
kau nampak mcm lebih gelap..
byk berjemur ke?
haf to agree wif shikin,ive seen lotsa crazier toilet signs too:P
btw, i sgt sgt sgt teramat suka pix yg last skali wlpn cam tersesat
mcm lukisan kouru plis
to Shikin:
Hehe...i've come across weird toilet signs too...besh2..kalau tukar mesti nak je gi tandas kan..haha..
to Kay:
Kan...sngt chomeyl..Haha..You're hot and you're cold...
to Abir:
Haha...nantikan next post...SUMMER CAMP...tu la pasal gelap dah nie..
to rainbeau:
Haha..kan2...agak tersesat tp still lawa...glad u like it..
tgk ni tetibe rindu plak kt kbu and its canteen,haha
dlu pun akk suke tgk art corner tu,its a shame to ignore
luv the 'happy graphic day 2009' :)
nice artworks itu
me suka
me suker
lawa~ lawa~
tambah lagi bile ade org antara pic tuh..bertambah seri die :D
.suke la toilet sign tu :P
to azwa:
Best kan corner tu...teruja sngt kot everytime ada theme baru..hehe..
to muhammad:
Me suker jugak..
to ryz4l:
Haha..konon jer kan..penting kot untuk menyerikan blog..
to intan:
kan2..terpikat gak..
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