My journey of furthering my studies here starts with an intensive german course that will last for about a month and then will be continued with a bridging course where subjects like physics, mathematics, and technical drawing will be taught in German.Not forgetting German as another subject.That would totaled up to be 4 subjects. After the bridging course, I would have to go for a practical at a suitable and available german company.The duration is about 2 months long.Hurm...Yerp, everything has been planned out for me.
Enough with the facts on my studies.Lets have a look at the pictures I took while studying in class and exploring the city of Cologne...enjoy

My classroom at CDC centre...check out the view from the classroom.Cool huh?

We went around the city of Hansaring with Frau Scneider and Frau Minrad...discovered asian mart and essential shops...

The girls followed us to have their lunch at a Kebab Restaurant right next to our house.

We took S-bahn and U-bahn to the girls place and to Kaufland (Adik-beradik tesco kat Germany)

Graffiti on the walls at the U-Bahn station

Shun Ling and Rumitha's room

Fooling around at Kaufland...tertibe jadi Bob Marley..

Taman Permainan depan CDC...gelongsor best woh..ada skate park jugak

Sape gak yg over ambik gambar

We went around the streets of Hansaring looking for a mosque...didnt manage to find any...turns out to be, the mosque is just right in front of cdc but we have to go down the stairs and the place is kinda secluded...hoho..we perform our friday prayer there yesterday..Inofficial Turkey Mosque...

View from the streets of Hansaring

Shopping Paradise in Cologne mainly known as Neumarkt

Went out for dinner with seniors (Kesten and Fadilah) at an Indonesian restaurant...ayam bumbu and rendang mmg ar nikmat terasa...

Jengjalan with the seniors from Rudolfplatz to neumarkt...interesting place..nak explore dgn lebey gigih nanti.
Gambar illusion perut nampak berisi sedangkan baju besar dan menampakkan diri gemuk yang sebenarnye diri tidak gemuk lagi walaupown dah makan banyak Doener Kebab dan chocolate dan roti dan nutella dan sandwiches...okay nabeyl deyam sekarang.
Till the next post...Tschuess und Mach's gut!!!
nasib baik kat sana jumpa tmpat makan halal kann..
best2 entry kau pasal grman ni..keep up eh.
o0o000..nabil..nak awek german satu..erk~~
all the best man..
I'm d first commenter!! gler best view kat sana!! and xsusah cr halal food kan? hope u'll be fine there.. take care n have fun while studying
to sendra:
Betul2...turkish restaurant banyak je kat sini...alhamdullillah.thanx sendra
to aku:
haha..dari dulu kan...nanti ar nak gi kumpul no phone dorung k..
to matt:
ala matt..lambat skit 3 okie la kan..hehe..alhamdullillah okie..
perghh...jeles sial aku...gler contrast dgn sini..haha
hopefully all things goes well nabil. (:
to illmie:
haha..xde pe nak jeles nye..aku nak gak gi ziarah kaw nanti.eceh..
to miss lula:
alhamdullillah till now everything is okay...
i like! hehehe. tak sabar menanti cerita seterusnya.. =)
pos kan snow kat sini ek..haha
Salam dari kami
Salam kunjungan salam ziarah…. Thanks kerana berkongsi story pada kami … kami sedang berusaha membaca older post entry kamu…. Wow entry yang menarik
Salam sebuah persahabatan salam perkenalan dari kami salam dihulur tanda sebuah perkenalan ….
Semoga kami menerima respon yang baik dari kamu…. Thanks againt…
Pada suatu perkenalan yang baru
yang tidak disangka-sangka
satu jalinan persahabatan
di antara kita
dek keluhuran
ketulusan hatimu
sifat memahamimu
dalam mengeratkan hubungan
dalam jalinan persahabatan
kunci sebuah persahabatan
adalah pengertian dan kepercayaan
Salam ziarah salam kunjungan persahabatan dari
to che kay:
Owh sngt happy u suke my post..hehe.nantikan next post yeah..
to iyllienaz :
Haha..bleh plak kan..erm skang snow dah begin to melt...hurm..tapi angin still kuat geela..
to Afzainizam:
Salam..thanx sebab datang mengunjung..akan mengunjung blog kamoe pula..
Wow...! You made me feel like i am with you all in Cologne.... TQ I will always be with you all. Regards
to all....
suda di german?
all the best ye.
take care=)
muke mcm jimmy shanley..
sedara dye ke???
best nye dpt study kt overseas..
teringin sgt tp nth ble2 laa..
to C L J:
Thanx yeah..insyaallah akan sampaikan ur regards..
to anamunawwarah:
thanx ana..u too..take care!!!all the best in wuteva u do..
to aina:
Haha..ada ke?x nmpk persamaan pown...xde pertalian la dgn jimmy...insyaallah kalau bleh datang..dapatkan peluang..
Yeay dah ada entry baru..betul tu Nabeyl, belajar2 gak, fun jgn dilupa. Masa ni je la peluang nak berjalan pun kan? :)
wah makan sakan nampak?! best gila..
huhuhu anyway aku dah agak for sure ada gmbr hang mcm bob marley and gmbr baju besar tu.. ye ke baju je yg besar keke.. kekeke
x sabar nak tunggu ur next post from germany...view kat sana sangat cantik kowt..
to amy: and study must be on par..eceh..hehe.
tp nadira:
Nama xmo gempak lagi la kan...gambar bob marley hawt kan..hehe..agak ar kot..exercise xmo..makan je..yg penting makan untuk tahan sejuk..hehe.
to tintin:
owh thanx..akan gigih post nanti..
there's a turkish restaurant in kerpen named furat owned by ralf schumacher..great food it..
wah,bestnya.Harap nnt dpat smbg study gak kat german.Pergh,abg nabil amik course ape?.Abg nabil ada myspace x?.saya jd follower abg nabil,kak hanis ngan kak iz.Best la blog2 abg n akk
wah,best la bc blog abg nabil,kak hanis n kak iz.harap2 dpt la study kat german gak nnt.abg nabil amik course ape?.abg nabil ad ms x?.saya suka bc cerita2 pasl AGz tu.
right now the most important thing besides air, water, food & Internet access!!! haha =) to connect back home. bil mesti lebih tabah dari megan ya...saya doa kamu dpt sesuaikan diri (tapi saya rasa takde masalah kan u nampak mcm seronok smoga dpt bljar baik2...dpt kptusan cemerlang! ^^ blik kmpong jgn lupa britahu aku! all da best dude...miss u
salam maaf kalau menyibuk, rumitha! hoho~~ kawan skolah menengah! (err x malunye, macam la die ingat lagi kat i)
Omg Shazwanie!!!!! kenal sgt kot.. sorry lost contact.. wanie kat mana skg? susah nak chat kat sini.. klu ada fb or ym add yer.. hope to hear frm u soon! ^_^ tc.. bubye...!
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