Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Kuzen's Day Out - Nabeyl's Farewell

Kuzens, teman bermesra sejak zaman muda, ketika masih bergerak riang di dalam lampin yang suci warnanya, bermain-main, bersuka ria,bergembira tiada terhingga...wah..intro xnak lagi skema kan..

I dunno about u guys...but I have to say that I'm very close to my cousins..so close that almost every week we'll see each other.Spending some quality time watching movies, go swimming, karaoke-ing, enjoying ourselves at theme parks or simply just staying at home and create our own version of having fun.I have countless memories with my cousins especially Nadira a.k.a Nad who has been such a wonderful cousin, sharing our thoughts and getting on well with each other.Both of us came out with many ideas to get the other cousins on the groove.

Whenever we're together, there will surely be something bizarre or special going on.We would create our own games,acting out and showing off our skills in drama-making,dancing to a song and making a memorable video out of it, singing our lungs out and just merely having fun...i mean tremendous fun.lots and lots of fun.Fun beyond imagination...howoe..cukupla tu kan.

Now that I'm leaving to Germany, the fun moments with cousins(kuzens) will gradually disappear..i mean for me of course..they'll still be having fun...tsk2...That's why I'm making full use of the few last days I'm in Malaysia to commemorate our moments together.

On new year's day,we were all gathered at Aunty Aini's hse in Ampang for Kuzen's gathering session.Only Kuzens okay..no mak2 or bapak2.We had barbeque.The barbeque was a blast even though some of the barbequed chicken seem inedible.Haha.After barbequing, we were all glued up to the sofas as we watched a movie on Astro.Chatted and keep each other up-to-date with each other's stories and gossips...yeah...


Then,we played charades for almost 2 hours.Girls versus Boys.Howoe...first round boys won.Second and third rounds were dominated by the girls.Easily said "Bagi chance je tu".Hoho.After that we came out with the idea to create a drama scene.Agak obscene kot drama itu..xle diterangkan dengan lebey lanjut tanpa memaloekan mana-mana pihak yang terlibat..wah...So basically we didn't sleep that night...we headed to bed at nearly 6 am...and we're supposed to wake up on the next morning by 11.00 am.Baekla.Mata panda sorang2.


The plan on Saturday was to go to One Utama to watch a movie and have our buffet lunch at Seoul Garden restaurant.But the movie plan had to be cancelled as there was a time constraint.So we just went window shopping...best2..survey the stuffs I need to buy before I leave.

Seoul Garden - A place that brought us closer together

Putih plak...

Concept barbeque and steamboat...the best part is u get to cook the food urself...

Ice kacang and sambal udang buatan nabeyl...

At about 9 pm,we went to KDE to have our karaoke session...just kuzens..no mak2 and bapak2 again.It was fun...going down the memory lane remembering our earlier moments of karaoke-ing together..hurm.

Pilih lagu...key in no...buat muka teruja

Nabil dan desserts xle dipisahkan...

Terasa kaki terpanjang plak...


So that was it...the Kuzen's Day Out.....in conjunction with Nabeyl's farewell..T.T...

I'll write another post before I leave....hopefully I'll have the time to do so..humma2.
Till next post...Tschuess und mach's gut!!!


Che Kay said...

sungguh bagus nabil dan kuzen2nye~ tak semua orang berpeluang sebegitu rupa. terutamanya bila sorang di hulu sorang di hilir...huhuhu

Abir Abhar said...

teruja tgok!

shandye. said...

like seriously... why you had only ONE look in every pictures?

haha... btw... i do agree, seoul garden is da bomb! tp usually i tgg my fwens blanje la cuz nk pg mkn sendiri rabak dowh poket!

syukrina othman said...

Beyl, walaupun u buat entry ne sehappy mana pun, im so touching & sedih eh!!
Takpe skype kan ada!!

DanieL AdiE said...

sgt pnjg entry ini n byk pic...

(mcm xde kene mengene dgn entry anda kn)

~daniel adie~

Nabil Aizat Abdul Rahman said...

to che kay:
Huhu..alhamdullillah dapat peluang camni.harap2 hubungan kitorang kekal camni even though semua dah ikut jalan masing2

to abir abhar:
Teruja campur sedey skit arh

to shandye:
Haha..muka "Nabeyl" kan..kena promote byk2 sebelum pergi.

to syukrina:
betul2...thanx to skype..yang jauh didekat-dekatkan.

to adie:
xde kena mengena ke?owh part makanan tu ek..haha..kalau tgk post before this lagi banyak kot gambar..howoe

norfaridahanum said...

weyyyy!all d best.
selamat terbang terbangan!!!
nnt i dtg germany,u wajib buat2 knal ok.haha!

p/s:dh smpi europe,lg sng nk g istanbul.tiap2 bulan pun boleh.fulus r tapi.

Nabil Aizat Abdul Rahman said...

to norfaridah:
hehe..wajib tu penting..bleh bawak gi jengjalan kan..yg penting..kalau ada ole2 malaysia..wajib bawak gak..haha

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

iyllienaz said...

haiya..bile tarikh berangkatnya??nak ikot!!

Nabil Aizat Abdul Rahman said...

to anonymous:
Thank you so much for ur support..I'll try to improve myself and the way i write for the future post.

Berangkat 8 haribulan...malam jumaat.hehe..jom2

Anonymous said...

hye nabeyl..
ske bce blog awk sbb pnjg so bole bace smpi penat.haha(ikhlas)
td sy rasa nmpk awk kt sacc mall.hmm.kalau btul xsangka jmpe awk kt situ.huhu

Nabil Aizat Abdul Rahman said...

to anonymous:
Haha..dah disguise pakai specs pown perasan gak..hehe..betul la..i gi sacc mall buat last minute shopping..tapi x jumpa barang yg dicari..huhu..thanx gigih baca blog ni..hehe..motivate i nak tulis panjang lagi..haha

zee said...

nabil, bestnya rapat dgn cousins! i punye cousins belah mak sume dah besar, belah ayah lak kecik2 sgt. so i'm in the middle. cuma blh layan budak2 kecik tu jela. teringin gak rapat ngn cousins. hoho. eh btw, all the best ye!

SayaSedih said...

huhuhuh nabils post mung ini membuat saya terharu dan sedih.. wawawawa

ms.mitz said...

hey kamoo..
sedikit terujalah bace post yg nih..
n sgat2 sedih..
bila la lagi kita boleh nak lepak2 mcm nih..
nway,mmang b4 ni kita hav fun giler2 kot..
xtau nnti mcm mne bila mung xdok..:(

Nabil Aizat Abdul Rahman said...

to zahidahazman:
Alo...sian kat u..sabar jerla...thanx for the wish..

to sayasedih:
Saya juga sedey...tsk2

to mitz:
tu la pasal...yg penting jgn lupa kat pak wardiman mung nih...gigih blaja ek mitz..result kena gempak..apply jpa..datang german gak..hehe..

AkU said...

time flies very fast..

Anonymous said...

u,nak tanyer, how much does it cost utk sesi melalak di kde?
i wanna give a try,sbb dekat ngan umah..heheh..tapi nk kena tahu bajet~

p/s:sumpah tatau ader karok kat kde. \'_'/

Nabil Aizat Abdul Rahman said...

to aku:
I noe right...hurm

to anonymous:
Erm ada different rates for different sizes of room..yang kitorunk ambik...muat dalam 8 orang tu 30 untuk 1 jam..50 untuk 2 jam...70 untuk 3 jam..hehe