Yeah, Let's have a Karaoke Party!!!
Things required for the karaoke party are :
Laptop or a PC
Speaker system with bass
Food and Drinks
Audience / Friends
Big Screen
Disco light
You see, you don't need much to have your own Karaoke Party at home.You might have to fork out a bit for the speaker and microphone but it'll be worth it if you're a Karaoke lover like me..hee
You must be asking where can we get the songs to sing for the Karaoke Party, right? Youtube, of course!! And if you remember my post on Confession of a homesick karaoke singer, you'll know where you can find variety of songs with karaoke features on the internet.
Semua lagu2 sesuai buat Karaoke Party ye...Duet favourite lagu Hanya Memuji la kan..bleh nari2 skit..hee
Oh I just found out about this website...It's a perfect website for your karaoke session. It is called TUBEOKE...You get to see the original video of the singer and the lyrics would be next to it..
The website might not be able to provide all the lyrics for the songs you search, but most of the popular karaoke songs have lyrics provided..So..It is really worth it to give it a try!!!
Darwin and I organized a gathering at our place last week.We invited few friends to join us on the wonderful day.Oh yeah, Hanis was also here that it was a good plan to have a gathering..The original plan was just to cook something together, hang out and simply having fun chatting and bla bla bla...But out of sudden, Hanis came out with the idea to have a Karaoke Party.We have all the equipments at home, so why not, right?I was kinda surprised to see how my friends were enthusiastic with the Karaoke session.It was seriously an awesome Karaoke party for us.
Hanis dah macam mc kot malam tu..cari-cari lagu..suruh orang nyanyi..terbaek ar..
Nampak sangat perubahan lagu daripada serious ke Waka-Waka..hehe
Presenting the Karaoke Queens, Hanis Zalikha and Siti Amir
Nasi Lemak ngan lauk pauk...
Makan2 sambil karaoke...ala2 kat hotel ada orang buat persembahan time makan kan..
Other activities of the night beside Karaoke-ing ...Guitar jamming, going online and simply chatting around..
Gambar pegang bread pudding ni sesat tertibe...rindu nak letak gambar sorang2 last..hee..
Hope you guys enjoy the post...Tschüss und mach's gut!!!
so pasneh, i nyanyi kat umah je la.
wow~~~happy jer nmpk muke sume owg~~
yg plg besh makanan tu...yummy3..
thanks for the info! skrg lebih banyak pilihan aku nak curi2 karok dlm bilik sorang2. hahahah. selama ni guna je.
Desserts party korang mmg mantap. klu ak ada kat situ mmg aku lekat kt meja je.. org karok ak makan. - -"
yelah tu gmbr last gmbr sorg2..
ade pelakon tmbhn kot blkg tu nabil
nice PARTEY!!!!!!Holla back!!
To hizami:
Haha..kan..kalau ramai2 sure meriah...
To qiqi:
I paling happy la kan tgk semua org happy..
To Wzulhilmi
Dulu pon aku guna je..pastu bila explore.bnyk lagi rupanya alternatives..
To abhar:
Tu la pasal..baru nak ada muka besar gambar sorung2..hee
To sully:
gud info...
nabil ni encem orangnye..
suke tengok lesung pipit nabil.
sape yg pkai bju putih tu??
yg mate sepet2, yg kurus2 tu....
sape name dy??hee
u demam eh...take care of urself..
cpt sehat tw;)
sape yg pkai bju putih tu??
yg mate sepet2, yg kurus2 tu....
sape name dy??hee
u demam eh...take care of urself..
cpt sehat tw;)
to shelly:
to Norhana: ker..thank you..
to qiqi:
Tu my senior blaja kat Duisburg, Azlan.nape..minat dia eh?
aduhai! nampak sedap makanan2 tu!
dessert tu uols buat sendiri ke semua??
n nabil, pls nak resipi bread pudding tu boley??
To che kay:
Hehe..mmg sedap kot
To gadisgula:
Owh I ambik recipe internet je..dekat cari bread pudding..hee..nnti nak try buat dessert lain plak..
haha..nampak that makanan sdap gler..slalu wat karaoke kat dlm bilik mandi je..haha..mlalak kuat2.. da food..err rumah kitaorg..xshare sgt..huhu..hmm eden jer yg yg slalu msk..nk msk letih tgn..hik3..nice..u make me want that food owhh..
karoke dlm bilik air^_~
to nazrul:
Haha..sama jerla kita..tapi skang dah advance skit..beli microphone semua..bajet buat konsert kat rumah..hehe
to D'lla:
Kat sini bujang2 semua..semua kena masak..kalau x melapar jerla...tapi best bila gotong royong..rasa meriah..
to hudhud:
tu karaoke sorung2...bler ramai2 la best..
teruja dengan gambar makanan. hahahaha
juz asking...tibe2 dy nmpk comey
dctu~~mybe sbb gmbr tu ot yg wt dy nmpk comey..hahaha..senior u??
umur bpe?hee
brilliant idea!!!
drpd membazir duit kat redbox.hehe
To adam:
Kalau nk setanding redbox kena ada makanan la kan..hee
To Qiqi:
hehe..dah agak ada yg berkenan...u ada facebook?
To erin:
ala~~i dun have nk wat..
hak3..bukan cm besh jer mate memandang gmbr tu..hahaha;)
nsb u pun comeyl...jgn kembang:p
salam.nak tny u stdy kat jerman ke?
saya ada masuk GOP(global outreach program) under my faculty.(FKM,fakulti kejuruteraan mekanikal utm,johor).so rancangan nya nak buat 'europe trip'.so mybe akan ke german skali.buley you suggest kat tempat yg menarik utk kesana.u amik mekanikal jgk kan?
To qiqi:
Haha..i x kembang kot..first sedap mata memandand pastu hati pulak terpikat.. ;p
To anonymous:
Tmpt menarik berkenaan mechanical eng ke tempat menarik nak jalan2..i pon x explore fully germany lagi..dengar kata berlin and munich tempat wajib pown menarik gak..
To mrswift:
Thanx for supporting my blog..have a great year ahead of u..
Ya Allah menyesal tgk...wat dla lapar jer..hehe..nape sume nmpk sdp ekkk?
u look like jimmy shanley whn u smile=)--->yAnAnA
i get that a lot yanana
wohh.. lepas Prüfung nnti leh la aku layan tubeoke tu. slama ni dok lalak kt youtube je. x habis nyanyi pun member dh tuka lagu.
nak tlg jawab kt si anoyn tu : Munich wajib pergi =P
to reeyau:
haha..perlu2 melalak release stress habis exam..hehe..owh i love the way u write your blog...gambar lawa2...kena pergi tempat2 yg u pergi tu..
i will definitely try it at home but my mom will do the job haha...thanks nabil
to rizal:
Haha..really..duet ngan ur mom la..
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