Monday, January 5, 2009

Returning to my College Life!!!

First day of going back to college after a long holiday(as if) was really an excruciating moment for me. I mean I have got used to waking up late, going to sleep late,sometimes not sleeping at all, sometimes not waking up at all(haha tipoe la nie)...and suddenly i have to change my sleeping schedule: sleeping at 12am and waking up at 8 am.But what I normally do is to doze off early at 8 or 9 pm,then getting up at 2 or 3 am to get myself busy with something and continue snoozing after Subuh until 8.15am.

Before anything I would like to tell u guys about an incident i encountered on the day i was supposed to return to my hostel.I went to Sunway Pyramid with my sis to buy pencil cases for the two of us.We went into quite a number of shops.But the unforgettable occurrence would be when we get into the 2PM shop located at the same level as the Pyramid ice skating rink.Wanna know what happened next?I saw few pencil cases being displayed outside of the shop,so I went in to ask whether they have more choices of the pencil cases.

Nabil: Excuse me, do u sell pencil box?
Geela nyer Salesgirl: NOPE!!!(with an annoying sarcastic face expression)
Nabil: Erm,what about pencil case?
Geela nyer Salesgirl: NOPE!!!(with a freaking annoying sarcastic face expression)

Feeling infuriated by the answer, I went out of the shop to take a look once more at the pencil cases displayed behind the thick glass outside the shop.I went back into the shop and....

Nabil: So aper benda kat luar tu?!!!(ngan muka cam menyampah tahap bler tampar sapa2 je)
Geela nyer Salesgirl: That is pencil....BAG!!!!!

Omg...aperkah...Was she trying to say her English is like so damn good by using the word pencil bag instead of pencil case???Sigh...sabar jerla....If not,I dunno what would I have done.

Ika: Sabar jerla.......
Nabil: $%@!&*@#!!!!

Okey...that night i couldn't sleep until 3 am.I was like oh mein Gott i have to wake up early tomorrow and be at college by 9am.Unfortunately i woke up at 8.40,rushed to get myself ready,it was already 9.00am. I went to the college with my roommate who was also late.Xpe.ada teman. hairstyle has got to go..
BUROK tahap maksima...

Suddenly my friend told me that the orientation starts at 10 am...Cis...baek sambung tido...however,i was relieved.Not late for the first day of college.We went straight to the Cafeteria.Got something to drink and just chit-chatted away.At 9.50, my friends and I went up to level 7,where the orientation was carried out. We were told by the president of SSD(Student Service Dept) that we were not supposed to come for the orientation as we are considered as seniors...eceh..Kinda in shock, we didn't know what to do but to ask our own president,Amin, on whether we really have to come for the orientation....Sadly,YES.Dah sedia nak balik hostel dan tido jer..adoi.

New Students plak...dah jadi senior skit arh...

During the orientation...only one word came up to my mind..BORING...BORING...BORING... okie..that says it all...

Bosan kan...

At about 12.30, we were all dismissed and should check out our timetable at the respective classes.Nothing much we went back to our hostel.

On the way back, in front of Mcd to be exact,we were stopped by a group of Fly fm trooper. Tempted by the word FREE STUFF, we just waited to hear what we have to do next.Like answer some easy questions about Fly fm. Owh before that we each got a can of 7UP Revive. Tahniah!

Chomeyl sangat because they asked question like what is the frequency of in Klang Valley..

A: 95.8
B: 95.8
c: 95.8 tahu sebut ABC pown bleh jawab...

Then, we played a game called Monalisa, Papaya Tree and Bus Driver..Sangat Chomeyl due to the fact that we have to use body language and at the same time give out weird sounds like WHOOT!!!!I had extreme fun even though I didn't win resulted from my ke-blurness-an.Okay..Enuff with that.

When back to hostel later..Ich musste meine englische Hausaufgaben fertig machen aber ich hatte viel zu tun und deshalb hatte ich keine Zeit und Lust die Hausaufgaben mehr zu machen..Seufzen..Sehr Faul!!!

Managed to finish few parts of my English homework...Lucky me...

Danach, sind meine Kollegin und ich zum Abendessen am Tanjung Restaurant gegangen-translate-We went to have our dinner at Tanjung Restaurant.Rindu gler makan nasi goreng dengan daging kunyit..Nikmat terasa...

Wanna know what happened at Tanjung.My flip-flops broke off. It had once happened, but what i did was just stapled the below part of it.Haha.Student mmg miskin/kedekut.However, this time it was serious...neither staples nor glue can help to fix it I immediately went to get a new pair at Greenway...haha..fluorescent colour skit arh..

Old pair...sedeh je tgk..

New pair...teruja je tgk..

That would be all I think..nothing much on my miserable first day of college...I should think optimistically though...This year should be better than last year!!!Hoffentlich..Fingers crossed.Yes!!


Nadira said...

nad pernah berdepan ngan situasi salesgirl macam tuh(ayat takle blah).. sakit hati je.Lagi2 kalau kita nak beli barang tuh..kita bagi duit pon buat muka.tapi skrg kalau org buat mcm tu jgn harap nk layan.nad terus keluar.HAihhhh

Anonymous said...

sales girl tu annoying gile

Anonymous said...

pundek gile kau gi beli kotak pensel dkt keling mana yg english die power sgt. tapi mmg sekarang kita pakai "beg pensil" it is official. ask the law students hehehe. *izdi.

Romie Pujaan said...

cibai nye salesgirl

aku bab ganyang pekeje kedai nih nombo satu

lain kali ajak aku

Anonymous said...

whoa man, y should u let somethin as petty as this get to ya?
i'd be amused if i were u. heh.
stay cool bro.

Anonymous said...

where do you learn german?

Unknown said...

salahkan lekcerer bel aku yang suruh sume org buat blog. dan sekarang aku kampuang taktau mcm mana nk apdet.

BalkisMohd said...

hahaha just because of the pencil bag/case/box your high blood pressure has increasedddddddddd! hahahahaha ;p

ChocoLoco said...

haha.. i do like that girl despites of her kekurangan peradaban... her level of confidence is undeniable... PENCIL BAG... ahakz...

EyEdA said...

bajet r dat salesgurl..
mayb dia penat keje tu dik..
think +ve

Anonymous said...

hahah...dari mood i tgh marah bak gunung brapi nk meletus terus tak jadi...gelak yg terbahak2 yg meletus!hahaha..giler comel la...pencilBAG..hahah!! i nk share citer ni kt my frens boleh?

Nabil Aizat Abdul Rahman said...

sila2..cita ni patut jadi teladan kot..haha

Nurul Nadhirah Ramlan said...

sedihnya tgk flip flops u. hahaha

Nabil Aizat Abdul Rahman said...

to nurul:
Owh ni memeris geela...rindu pakai flip flop fluorescent colour tu..

Anonymous said...

Really good post!