Yeah babeyh...finally after one year of taking up AUSMAT program, after months of being under pressure, studying & struggling, every week of endless tests, assignments and quizzes, after weeks of having sleepless nights,burning the midnight oil,wastage of electricity & paper sheets for calculation and drawings-when-kepala-feeling-so-stressed-out,not forgetting the amount of energy and calorie burnt,the panda eyes formed and pimples all over the face(Ni bukan sebelum blaja mmg ada ke) yeah...Now im a free man...FLYING WITHOUT WINGS...Feeling as if like im on cloud nine...This extremely happy feeling is just indescribable...So many things to do and enjoy, experience to gain and new things to explore...with the hope to live my life to the fullest before heading back to the student life....yeah.
First activity after stepping out from the multipurpose hall where i did my Ausmat final papers was the GERMAN FAREWELL organised by Frau Tan and Frau Pfeiffer.
Lunch with nasi lemak and curry chicken...sedap plak nasi lemak cafeteria...akan merindui
venue: Student Council Centre
Frau Tan giving her final speech
Kaw tekun ke tgh teran zul..
While waiting for the juniors to join us for the farewell
From left: Rumitha,Frau Tan,Nabeyl and Ng
Suka gambar ni...nampak happie
Sedondonz y'all...shun duet partner
Zul, Nabeyl, Shun Ling, Kamarul and Ng
Edwin pown nak kelehatan tinggi itu sngt menghebatkan
Zul & Ina
Terflash dan gigi terlawa pula
Rambut kembang tetap menjadi pojaan..
Zhafran a.k.a Collela,Mu'adz,Zul and Alfred
Muka sorunk2 lapar tunggu nak mamam
Akan merindui permainan ini juga...yg kena angkat and shake bler bola tersekat kat tgh2.
Sehati berdansa..lagu german skit arh..
Muka teruja darwin selain daripada melehat makanan..haha..
Kami berjiwa patriotik!!!Bendera Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Ms Jaclyn tumpank lalu jap pown jadi mangsa group photo...
Frau Pfeiffer...she taught us last year...
Haha..chomeyl kot gambar ni
With junior Naqiuddin while having our nasi lemak and curry chicken
Menjalinkan silaturahim antara juniors and seniors...
Till the next post..Tschuess und mach's gut!!!
me likey...gonna miss everything so damn bloody much! all those wonderful time spent with frens, stupid jokes and teases, nagging from the lecturers frm the very beginning:(, all those dimply and pimply faces..huhu...Frau Tan, Frau Pfifer, Miss Say, Miss Jaclyn, Miss Chan, Miss Kong, nasi lemak frm the cafe, roti canai frm that anne's stall,waffle( gonna miss eating it wit u, Nabil..:( sob sob),Kbu!!! etc etc... this list can go on and on...lotsa sweet memories to be remembered life long!huhu...
Also, was ist für Sie als nächstes?
gut ... Ich hoffte nur, dass alles gut funktioniert.
Ich werde auf jeden Fall verfehlt Lektüre dieses Blog für eine ganze 5 Wochen, wie ich bin off für meine Semesterferien.
Verpassen Sie mir nicht viel, ok?
haha ... Scherz!
gmbr posing xleh blah..
but nice...
to rumitha:
Huhu..yeah gonna miss all the moments we've spent together..tsk2..time pass by so fast without we realizing ye ker.haha..Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei.Roti canai hot dog and cheese and thosai weih...tu paling ar..
to shandye:
wah berbahasa german terus.Ich freue mich darueber,dass das Ausmatprogramm vorbei ist.Gluecklicherweise hat alles gut geklappt.Ich kann kaum erwarten,viele Aktivitaeten zu erreichen.Haha...Ehrlich?Du vermisst dieses Blog?Das ist eine Ueberraschung,finde ich..hehe..mach's gut k
to H.R Putera Yusoff:
Haha..penting la dah habis exam..kena posing geela2
a ah kan... huhu... tu baru kbu..tak sebut lagi pasal CP,OU, Bandar Utama..gosh, m gonna miss everything...sedey2...pkl brape nak dtg nanti? haha..gedik nak tanya kat sini blh save five cents... every cent matters now heh..critical stage...i think i now wat u're gonna say..say it not..:P (its my dad's)...gigih nak comment on this post..keh3..
mentang2 dah habis!!
congrats darl!
wow..ble r aku dpt p sane
to rumitha:
tertibe kaw rajin kan....selalu susah nak comment..yeah..tadi kemas2 buku dalam bilik..i found my old notebook..dalam tu ada tulis kisah dulu2..ngan conteng2...rindu..huhu..
to abir abhar:
Hehe..tu lar pasal..penting untuk enjoy life skang.
to mel:
Thanx mel..
to syaf:
terlebih rajin kali ni..coz lepas balik nanti tak leh online connection at home unless i go to the like yeah... one of my last comments on this post..hehe... buku apa tu?..mau baca jugak... oh yea and tat cd u wanted me to watch, yg kau kata best tu..nak nak...esok? wheneva u feel like giving..
congrats dude!
fly soon huh??
wahhh!! happy2 ^_^
all the besh ~
huhuu dia dh abes exam means ur going to german in no time la kan~~ gudluck with everything k beyl... all d best hehehe~~
to rumitha:
Hoho..sian kaw..sabar weih..owh that dvd actually i have it with me..u can take the first season...the 2nd season i've not watched..
to fasliza:
Insyaallah next year in january..thanx yeah
to matt:
Yeah matt..tsk2..huhu..thanx k..perlu jumpa nanti..
nabil,tolong pesan pada kawan awak yang comel tu izyani,jgn merajuk dengan blog.dia tak update comments pun.agak poyo saya kerana saya suka dengan blog dia.tq.
wow!sudah abes exam?manyak jelesh!
.slamat trbang nabil :)
keep update ur progress ... actually i also want to go Germany, but end in utp ..hu3..
++ dont forget a lot of picture when u go tour the germany..
salam psahabtn, hakim
wohhh..sgt best,sdg sy maseh gelumang dgn final exam skrg..adehhh
hahaha..congratz nway! :)
to faramin:
Huhu..sian kat dia kan..nanti i pujuk dia...balik lepas finals ni x contact dia agi..maybe nak ajak hang out nanti..tgk keadaan...
to hanna:
to intan:
Thanx intan..tu pown kena tunggu result finals dulu..takot gak..hopefully okie..amin
to hakim:
okie2 sure..insyaallah kalau dpt fly gi germany...salam perkenalan gak..
to kuyam:
Hoho..thanx..all the best to u smart..
AUSMAT??ich habe gedacht, dass du A-level in KBU gemacht
wann fliegst du dann hierher??ich meine, nach doshland..huhu
thanx more thing,all the best to u year dh fly kan.
nabil, send my regards to Frau Tan.. i know her! not sure if she remembered me, cos I was in her course like for a couple of months je...tak sempat nak finish A1 pun masa kat msia =p
Alles Gute!
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