We were given an assignment by our lecturer, Herr Mainka to go for a stroll in the old city of Cologne. "Ein ALTSTADTSPAZIERGANG" in German.The task was to get all the answers to the questions given and at the same time to explore the city of Cologne and get to know more about what it has to offer.Kill two birds with one stone.Zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe schlagen.Woh2...nak gak bagi peribahasa melayu..Sambil menyelam minum air.Wokeyh.
Enthusiastic I was when I heard about this task.Seriously I like the way Herr Mainka create his teaching material, giving us tasks where all the important elements in the German language is made use of.We were required to think and respond by understanding the tasks given and also by asking the people around Köln...good huh?Practice to speak in german and squeeze our brain out to solve the riddle...
There are so many tasks given by Herr Mainka which I find interesting and exciting..I would just explain one of them in this post.Explanation thru pics of course...Before heading to the pictures, I would like say thank you to the seniors who came all the way from their respective universities to meet us on the weekends.Terharu and Teruja!!!!Thanx yeah...Insyaallah ada masa kitorunk plak pergi tempat yáll plak..
Meeting up with Seniors...Went to the Shaban restaurant, a place where Seniors traditionally take the juniors to have a gathering
Xde makanan x sah la kan....
Process pembahagian group kepada 3
Woh2...ada peta..ada gambar...ada soalan...
But..but..where to start?
Ni starting point lepas sesat gi south sedangkan patut gi north..nabil kan..sesat kat mana2 pown..hmphh..
Trauernde Eltern..
Teruja nampak mamat2 pakai kostum ngan pegang alat musik..
Kat museum ni ada seorang mak cik yg sngt helpful..sayang mak cik..
Pening cari clue kat sini..
Archäologische Zone
Bawah ni tempat mandi ritual zaman dulu kala
Bler lagi nak berlagak tourist kan?
2 questions about the rathaus couldn't be answered...rathaus tutup la plak..
Tertibe ramai polis..ntah pesal...harapan police ramai sebab Heidi Klum nak datang hanyalah tinggal harapan semata-mata..hmphh..
Classroom activity
We had to create our own restaurant that has to meet the requirements given.Class was divided into three groups...and these were the products..
Team Shun Ling and Ina buat ni...
Team sapa yang nak gempak je kan..hehe..Rumitha's team consisted of Hakeem,Chang Win,Zhafran and me.
KFC kat sini halal.ayam disembelih.woh2..dapat makan ayam gak.yum3
Nabeyl..muka tu penting..
That's all for today....Till the next post..Tschüss und mach's gut!!!!
aku mahu t-shirt itu. sekian.
the pictures tell a thousand stories.
love it~! :D
cute! -ur face.huhu.
mcm h0liday la pukak.
neh yg jelez neh.
i've got to take 8hours bus untuk makan KFC =( ini tak adil...
eh bila nak balik nih??
to shandye:
Hehe..beli kat Malaysia je pown..
to Miss Lula
yeah that's true..
to anonymous:
to Hizami:
Haha..agak la kan...time weekends je bler jadi tourist..kalau x gigih study..eceh..
to norfaridah:
Wah jauhnye...dari mana tu?
to aizul:
Xtaw lagi...baru nak masuk dua minggu kat sini..tahun depan kot balik..insyaallah
hai nabil..sure enjoy di sana kan.
oh my gucci!love ur leather jacket!and t-shirt cute gler..and also ur beanie..humma2..:)-likha
gile best assignment pon melancong..haha
woot2.seronok ye disane.nice pics.
hey bro!
slamat berkenalan..
sume entry menarik..
what course r u taking??
meriahnya korang! (^_^)
Hi Nabil.
Dialect Cologne, senang ke nak paham? Beza tak dgn Frau Tan und Frau Pffeifer punya?
Teruja juniors nk ikut jejak seniors. Hoho.
salam...wah..bestnye..dpt task yg boley jalan2..:).Explore new things.ahaks.Gudluck ya,jgn sesat2..hoho..:)
suka2... thx for the day out wei.. in return, i'm commenting here without u asking me to.. haha..=P
to faramin:
Hehe..enjoy while I still can.
to likha:
haha..over nye oh my gucci..thanx2..
to iyllienaz:
betul2..next week nak gi museum plak...outing ngan lecturer...assignment of course
to [thah]:
heheh. syok doh!
Thanx.Skang nie buat preparatory course..yg confirm ambik engineering tapi x confirm lagi ambik which part of engineering.
to ahmad:
Meriah itu penting..haha..orang di sini mahu ke sana...bler free?
to Raihan:
Erm..more like Herr Lambert's nyer dialect kot...tapi sngt2 laju dorunk ckp..dalam kelas alhamdullillah bleh paham..kat luar susah skit la..haha.lama2 biasa la tu..insyaallah.
to arra jasmy:
Haha..sesat tu yg susah..gi mana2 pown mesti sesat..nabil dan term sesat x dpt dipisahkan.
to rumitha:
Comment mesti sebab gambar dia ada..haha..baguih2..sila comment dengan lebih gigih ye.
CDC köln?
to enamoli:
Yeah2..nape ek?
steady je nabil dok kat sana. jangan lupa bawak balik minah salleh ke Malaysia. hehehhe
sama tak rasa mcm kfc malaysia?.
ke sane lg sedap?:X
to daddy zuki:
Haha..tu lambat lagi kot...
to jannah:
erm xtaw la nak bezakan camne..tapi kat sini byk choice la kot..tapi xde meltz...rindu..
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