Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!
All good things must come to an end!! The 6 months German course has ended and our teacher, Frau Pfeiffer will be flying back to Germany and might not come back 2 Malaysia again....sigh...It takes a minute to say hello, but forever to say goodbye…That’s what I felt with the whole German group and our beloved teachers, Herr Lambert and Frau Pfeiffer.
The Farewell present for Frau Pfeiffer
Starting of the day!
Looking for the present wasn’t easy. I was out of ideas. Thought of giving what people normally give..ALBUM!!!Lame kan.I noe..but with our group pictures inside…ok la tu...hehe
So, on that day itself, 11 Dec 2008, I woke up early at about 9.30…..made a plan with Izzah to Sunway Pyramid…to look for the present wutsoever….First I went to the photo shop to print some photos…tertiba pekerja 2 ckp “Owh, we don’t have the printing service today…the photos would be printed earliest by tomorrow at 12pm” .Geela….org nak hari nie..
Str8 to Sunway Pyramid!! We went to Memory Lanes, Living Quarters, Living Cabin, Parkson just to name a few. Tapi akhirnyer beli kat kedai arab yg jual selendang lawa nak mampos…Teruja skit ar…haha. So we bought a scarf/shawl/kain alas meja…multipurpose la gak kain tu…praktikal sngt...balut ngan kotak dan card GOODBYE….semangat skit ar…
3.00: I went to take another present from Matilda that Rumitha had bought on the day
b4. Some Christmas decorations….chomeyl la gak….
3.30: We-Zafran,Ciko,Kamarul,Muaz and I started our journey to Frau Pfeiffer’s
apartment.Konon nak guna word journey bajet jauh la sedangkan 5 minutes drive

3.38: Arrival. I had to register as a visitor…Funny!! I was the only one…Terasa tua la plak.. Leader kot
Frau Pfeiffer greeted us “Welcome”….Wir sind spazieren gegangen und haben alle Schwimmbäder angeschaut. Atemberaubend!!
Everyone who came were ready to go swimming except for Shun Ling and I..We were not planning to do so...We didn’t even bring extra clothes…
So, the two of us with Edwin and Goh went up to Frau Pfeiffer’s apartment…Not that big I would say…it’s more like a hotel room….small but enough for two people living together…
We met her boyfriend, Joachim. At first it was kinda awkward. He looked a lil bit reserved.
But after a while, he got really friendly.I was the first one to talk to him..nobody wanted to….jahat kan dorunk…sian gak la kat Joachim…sometimes I can tell that he was feeling lonely…xde org layan…Sape gak yg baek kalau x aku kan..hehe…
Chomeyl sngt…..semua mandi manda…The most unforgettable moment was when Edwin and Darwin were thrown into the swimming pool…Haha…Sehr lustig!!Edwin didn’t have another pants so he had to borrow one from Joachim…haha…baek gak mamat tu…

Haha...Family Photo...Eltern mit Kindern

Chang Win und ich

Si mamat konon chomeyl(Zulki..FLY)
The others waited for Faisal and Imran. They were on their way. We took more photos as u noe Imran is a photographer.Semangat gak la budak nie..
9.30,we were talking about various of themes from Nazis(history skit arh),old german writings to Bahasa Malaysia.Frau Pfeiffer wanted to learn some new Malay words…omg..chomeyl…She had just got to know about personal pronouns that are different in different states.Zum Beispiel awak ,anda, ko-KL, Hang-Kedah/Penang, demo- Kelantan/Terengganu kot..haha…I pown xtaw…
Haha...sape la try nak jadi chomeyl

Family Photo with 14 children

Kitorunk mmg teruja parents org german

Haha...konon popular je Imran tu...

tatapla...Rumitha,Ina und Shikin....

Imran mmg teruja dgn dak2 german

Ich habe ein Zeugnis bekommen
Owh she even gave us the certificates for our final result.Joachim was against it.According to him it was not appropriate to work while having fun..but some guys were planning not to come today,Friday, so they wanted to have the certs that nite…Masa my cert giving ceremony sngt la teruja…Frau Pfeiffer siap buat announcement lagi…I felt like giving a speech wie Oscar award skit arh…haha..The time when we wanna go back, everyone greeted goodbye and farewell speech skit arh…..A sad moment for us…..Seufzen…Imran buat chomeyl sebab try ckp german skit…Freut mich sehr, Ihnen zu treffen…haha..aku perbetul skit arh, Freut mich sehr, Sie zu treffen…hehe….
We went back at 10.30..gler kan…7 hours..fuhhh…tapi besh…Sehr muede aber zufrieden.
Starting of the day!
Looking for the present wasn’t easy. I was out of ideas. Thought of giving what people normally give..ALBUM!!!Lame kan.I noe..but with our group pictures inside…ok la tu...hehe
So, on that day itself, 11 Dec 2008, I woke up early at about 9.30…..made a plan with Izzah to Sunway Pyramid…to look for the present wutsoever….First I went to the photo shop to print some photos…tertiba pekerja 2 ckp “Owh, we don’t have the printing service today…the photos would be printed earliest by tomorrow at 12pm” .Geela….org nak hari nie..
Str8 to Sunway Pyramid!! We went to Memory Lanes, Living Quarters, Living Cabin, Parkson just to name a few. Tapi akhirnyer beli kat kedai arab yg jual selendang lawa nak mampos…Teruja skit ar…haha. So we bought a scarf/shawl/kain alas meja…multipurpose la gak kain tu…praktikal sngt...balut ngan kotak dan card GOODBYE….semangat skit ar…
3.00: I went to take another present from Matilda that Rumitha had bought on the day
b4. Some Christmas decorations….chomeyl la gak….
3.30: We-Zafran,Ciko,Kamarul,Muaz and I started our journey to Frau Pfeiffer’s
apartment.Konon nak guna word journey bajet jauh la sedangkan 5 minutes drive

Group photos when we did the spazieren gehen.
3.38: Arrival. I had to register as a visitor…Funny!! I was the only one…Terasa tua la plak.. Leader kot
Frau Pfeiffer greeted us “Welcome”….Wir sind spazieren gegangen und haben alle Schwimmbäder angeschaut. Atemberaubend!!
Everyone who came were ready to go swimming except for Shun Ling and I..We were not planning to do so...We didn’t even bring extra clothes…
Present opening ceremony
So, the two of us with Edwin and Goh went up to Frau Pfeiffer’s apartment…Not that big I would say…it’s more like a hotel room….small but enough for two people living together…
We met her boyfriend, Joachim. At first it was kinda awkward. He looked a lil bit reserved.
But after a while, he got really friendly.I was the first one to talk to him..nobody wanted to….jahat kan dorunk…sian gak la kat Joachim…sometimes I can tell that he was feeling lonely…xde org layan…Sape gak yg baek kalau x aku kan..hehe…
Chomeyl sngt…..semua mandi manda…The most unforgettable moment was when Edwin and Darwin were thrown into the swimming pool…Haha…Sehr lustig!!Edwin didn’t have another pants so he had to borrow one from Joachim…haha…baek gak mamat tu…
Haha...Family Photo...Eltern mit Kindern
Chang Win und ich
Frau Pfeiffer und ich
Hakeem und ich
Si mamat konon chomeyl(Zulki..FLY)
Ng(Krankjunge) und ich
We ate two Secret Recipe’s Cakes, bahulu, some chocolates, drink lots and lots of coke,sprite und und und.. That’s only for the tea time. For dinner, we had 3 large Domino’s pizzas with garlic breads and more drinks…yummy2..We played cards, different type of card games.Wir haben viel Spass und das haben uns sehr gut gefallen.Chomeyl sngt bler Frau Pfeiffer ngan Joachim pown join…..hoho..
Ng wasn’t feeling well so he decided to go back early…together with Shun Ling, Chang Win, Edwin and Goh.It was about 8.00.We took lots of pictures…Countless….tipoe la leh count..wtv.haha..

We ate two Secret Recipe’s Cakes, bahulu, some chocolates, drink lots and lots of coke,sprite und und und.. That’s only for the tea time. For dinner, we had 3 large Domino’s pizzas with garlic breads and more drinks…yummy2..We played cards, different type of card games.Wir haben viel Spass und das haben uns sehr gut gefallen.Chomeyl sngt bler Frau Pfeiffer ngan Joachim pown join…..hoho..
Ng wasn’t feeling well so he decided to go back early…together with Shun Ling, Chang Win, Edwin and Goh.It was about 8.00.We took lots of pictures…Countless….tipoe la leh count..wtv.haha..
Happy photo.....viel Spass haben!!!
Joachim joined to play the card game
The others waited for Faisal and Imran. They were on their way. We took more photos as u noe Imran is a photographer.Semangat gak la budak nie..
9.30,we were talking about various of themes from Nazis(history skit arh),old german writings to Bahasa Malaysia.Frau Pfeiffer wanted to learn some new Malay words…omg..chomeyl…She had just got to know about personal pronouns that are different in different states.Zum Beispiel awak ,anda, ko-KL, Hang-Kedah/Penang, demo- Kelantan/Terengganu kot..haha…I pown xtaw…
Haha...sape la try nak jadi chomeyl
Family Photo with 14 children
Teruja gler main card nie....
'Who's cuter competition'
Kitorunk mmg teruja parents org german
Haha...konon popular je Imran tu...
tatapla...Rumitha,Ina und Shikin....
Imran mmg teruja dgn dak2 german
Sehr muede!!!Wir schlafen gern...
Ich habe ein Zeugnis bekommen
Muka control skit arh...
Owh she even gave us the certificates for our final result.Joachim was against it.According to him it was not appropriate to work while having fun..but some guys were planning not to come today,Friday, so they wanted to have the certs that nite…Masa my cert giving ceremony sngt la teruja…Frau Pfeiffer siap buat announcement lagi…I felt like giving a speech wie Oscar award skit arh…haha..The time when we wanna go back, everyone greeted goodbye and farewell speech skit arh…..A sad moment for us…..Seufzen…Imran buat chomeyl sebab try ckp german skit…Freut mich sehr, Ihnen zu treffen…haha..aku perbetul skit arh, Freut mich sehr, Sie zu treffen…hehe….
We went back at 10.30..gler kan…7 hours..fuhhh…tapi besh…Sehr muede aber zufrieden.
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to anonymous 1:
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