Spending you're free time doing something beneficial is pretty important.And what you shouldn't forget is to have fun and indulge yourself at the same time.I woke up early this morning and went to the kitchen, out of the blue I said to my dad,"Jom gi mydin hari ni, teringin nak buat muffin la plak".Haha..tertibe kan.My dad was like so excited, he quickly wanted to get himself ready to go.I was like, "woh2..nanti tengahari kita pergi okie". "Okie" replied my dad.
So yeah...that what pretty much the conversation between a son and his enthusiastic dad. So at about 1.30pm, we made our way to Carrefour.Yeah we changed the venue, cuz i think Carrefour would have a better chance of getting all the ingredients for making a muffin.
I've been wanting to try this recipe for so long but never had the chance to do so.Normally if I bake muffins,i would just go with the basic recipe and add chocolate chips inside.But today i made up my mind to try something new.The muffin recipe is called choc honeycombs muffins.What is sweeter than the super sweet combination of caster sugar,white bits(white chocolate chips),chocolate-coated honeycomb(Crunchie Bars),milk and honey.Ulalala...such a heaven for sweet tooth...
So i put in the skills and knowledge from my previous attempts, not forgetting the determination and hope in making the mixture a dozen of muffins that it should become.Yay2...Kegigihan membuahkan hasil...even though the muffins might not look as good as those in the first picture, but the taste is just wonderful..Remember kids, don't judge a book by its cover..yeah..
It really gives you the sense of being contented when you hear your own family members complimenting on your masterpiece after all the hard work u've put into making it..yeah..sangat best...hehe

Kepada mereka yg malas nak buat sendiri....bleh la beli muffin mix camni..chomeyl dan sesuai sebagai hadiah..I bought one for my friend's bday and another one for myself..x try lagi..akan try soon..
Sekian terima kasih...Berjumpa lagi di rancangan akan datang.."Mari mengisi masa lapang dengan ke-chomeyl-an"...Till the next post..Tschuess und mach's gut!!!
Rajin Gileerrr~
Terkesima bebe~
Wah, Sungguh seronok ye baking2! I suke buat brownies! Btw teringat percubaan pertama buat muffin dulu2. Resipi dia refer buku teks kemahiran hidup. Well, masa tu dlm form 1 @ 2. Internet tak da lagi. Zaman pakai floppy disk 5 inci. Hahahaha. Hasil percubaan masih boleh ditelan. =D
damn luscious haih
tiba2 memerlukan some choc now..
jgn sampai this blog tukar jadi blog masak-memasak dahh
erk..crunchie sgt sedap utk dimakan begitu saja..
ehh anta stau kat sni! huhu
buat ape kat rumah senang lenang lpas TEE?
should start packing and saying goodbyes already lah ;)
To fauzi:
Huhu.terkesima kah.rajin 2 pntg ar sebab xde bnda nak buat kat umah.
To azfar:
Getting better.cuma left eye lmbt baek.sebab masa kena memang teruk geela.bergantg kat eye drops jela.
To cik kay:
Buku kemahiran hdup 2 plg ah.lawak geela.
wah nampak sedap...nak cuba la....bro, fird klik disney kamu....
To miss lula:
Blog memasak.x kot.jgn risau.akan ada topic2 lain yg akan menyusuli.insyaallah.
To iyllienaz:
Btul2.tp crunchie dah mahal kot.sigh..
To azwa:
Huhu.sedey je.xpe.last min kind of guy.tunggu la.pack slowly.
Beyl!! Beyl! Beyl!
Part crunchie & part white bit tu yang tak tertahanlah!! Grrr!!
Ahahah!! Bguslah, awak ada bakat atleast boleh digunapakai untuk kat german nanti!!
Bukan saja untuk hi-tea seorang diri, malah untuk berjual pun boleh..tambah income..kehkehkeh..
u do baking????how cool..
i once tried this peanut butter filling muffin..super cool..the filling was still melting when u cut d muffin into pieces..serve while its hot la..hehe..
pos kat sini sket meh!!
hye nabeyl.dapnyer. yang tinggal nak bancuh tu macam nice.beli @ Carrefour? berapa rm nabeyl?
omg!! terliur okay nak try buat lah..hehe recipe please.. : )
wow..superb.pandai baking.bagus2.ni preparation pergi oversea.masak sendiri nanti.
wow! sgt kewl okeh anak muda yg pandai masak!!!
mcm sedap je..tp cam mlas nak wat..eheh...kuih pon buat sethn skali...heheh.
btw..crunchie tu still maintain ke-crunchian-nya after baked??
eh heyy. sakit mata jugak?
hahahah. 5th day kena ni, aaa both eyes infected sgt la sakit. O_O T_T
get well soon. ^_^
btw btw, dah lama tak buat muffin.
tumpang guna resepi eh. heheh:D
nmpk nice la ur muffins.
slmt ber-comel-comel yah! ;)
to FirdHaikaL:
Huhu..thanx..haha..mmg sedap kot..eceh puji diri sendiri..
to syukrina:
Haha..agak la kan..bleh2..idea yg baek..dah ar xde duit skang ni..tapi maloe la nak jual..x lawa pown buat..
to chokio_nia:
woh2..kamoe juga kewl..haha..nanti nak try nutella filled muffin...x sabar..
to aizul:
haha...sampi sana dah x sedap kot...meh sini rasa..eceh konon gigih je..
to .ada.:
Yg chomeyl bleh buat bancuh tu bukan beli kat carrefour..beli time pink bazaar yg i promote kat previous post..erm ada website kot kalau nak beli..nanti i letak..
to Raranell:
haha..nak ke recipe..nanti i post kat facebook..
to faramin:
Betul2..dah mintak mak ajar masak pown..haha..penting..student kena save duit..lagi2 kat sana..mahal kot.
to linahilmin:
hehe..kewl ke..xde ar..masak ikut recipe bleh la..
to @asna@:
Owh tidak..kecrunchiean dia dah melt in the mouth..rasa honeycomb tu sngt sedap dan kuat dan manis dan woh..haha..
to cik erin:
Haha..bleh2..try la..kita serupa..huhu..my left eye je still merah skit..dah feeling much better..alhamdullillah..u too.get well soon..take care
saya yang dari Brunei punnnn nak juga resepilah hehehe..
sebelum ni tak terfikir nak buat muffin!
terima kaseh in advance beyl yer!! hehe
mentang2 dah habis exam..
tinggal sket for me
huhu..oleh kerana demand untuk recipe agak memuaskan...bleh la post di sini ye..
ni untuk buat 12-16 muffins depending on the muffin tray you use.
2 cups self raising flour
1/4 cup caster sugar
1 cup white bits(White choc chips)
2 Crunchie bars(100g)
1 egg, lightly beaten
60g butter,melted
1 cup buttermilk(Low fat milk)
1/4 cup honey
1 teaspoon vanilla essence.
steps spt dalam blog...bakar at 200c for about 20 mins or until the muffins are slightly golden..
P/S:Muffins ikut recipe ini sngt manis..maybe u should neglect the honey and put less sugar...tapi for a sweet tooth like me..u'll enjoy this recipe for sure..
awak bake ni nabil?
to whatever:
susah nk pcya bla lelaki masuk dapur...tambh2 wat muffin...lagi la...neway cngrats dude...
to ara:
Haha..kan..percayalah..eceh..tapi penting kot lelaki bleh masak or bake..cerah masa depan.
wah hebatnye die..pndai wat muffin..sdapnye..yum,yum..hehe ^^
huhuhu...betul2....sgt bruntung kalau dpt lelaki leh msak nie...:D
senang hdup skit...:)
tapi kan knpa muffin tu terlebiy kute..
thanx 4 view nabil
pantat giler weyh
mcm sedap dowh.
ko pandai masak rupanya.
owh inilah nabil aizat bin abdul rahman
to syafiqah:
hehe..thanx..maloe dah nie..
to ara:
Now i noe ur motif cari laki pandai masak..howoe
to liyana:
Terlebey kiut tu kecik ke?huhu...tema muffin kechomeylan kot..hehe
to reez:
Hoh...baru tahu kah..haha..xde ar..kaw ni smpt mencarut..ish2..depan makanan kot..
to fatul akrul:
Nape2...ada klon ke?hoho..
should try u muffin later~hii
love muffin!
seems like an easy recipe.
nak try jgak nabeyl!
wahhhh!! nmpk cambest jerp!
bgos btol... btw,i luv crunchie..
lpas ni boley la try ur recipe.. ;p
neway,gud job!
sedapnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... :)
nmpak sdap la muffin ni.ak nk try wy la..hehe
to cik epal:
Haha..chef la sangat..
to Aena:
huhu..dah habis kot..nanti rajin i buat lagi..
to hanslicious:
Memang senang kot..baguih2..try
to sipoot:
Thanx yeah...rajin2 try la..
to adam:
Memang sedapnyaaaaaaaaa..hehe
to Ijan:
Kewl..u should
Anak Ku Nabil.
That's what I call multi skilling..
Masak boleh...study boleh....jadi model boleh....
Glad that you manage to use your time in a very innovative & productive way...keep it up!!
Ayah suka your scone & muffins....ermmmmm....hingga menjilat pinggan!!
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